Batman: Arkham Knight Framerate Unlock & Tweak Guide


News Guru
Batman: Arkham Knight is out today and here we will show you how to get past a few of the games issues with a few simple tweaks.


Read our Batman: Arkham Knight Tweak Guide here.
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So I'm a bit confused. If Batman:AK on the PC is locked at 30FPS, Why does the inbuilt benchmark tool on my rig say it's getting a MAX of 94FPS, Min of 43FPS and average of 81FPS. Is the benchmarking tool broken? I'm using a GTX 780 with a G-Sync screen so shouldn't really notice an issue with stuttering. Fair enough I haven't had a chance to actually play it yet, but all looks good so far!?!
This so far is appalling feature set wise i.e graphical menu is bare bones to say the least.

As well as the horrendous performance on lower end cards the game has a tendency to downclock the GPU memory, I noticed on my card the memory clock was stuck at 6600 while ingame yet if I ran Asylum, City or Origins the clock shot back up to 8000 no problem.

The PC development was outsourced to a small studio consisting of 12 people from a studio called " Iron Galaxy Studios".

I really wish outsourcing would stop, It only ruins the end product.
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too bad that swearing is not allowed on the forums so here I go :cussing:
I know I'm probably going to get shouted at by someone for saying this but on my rig it runs pretty well tbh, I unlocked the frame rate after about 12 seconds of play, and really I have only experienced a noticeable frame drop once and thats was when driving through the middle of the city and it's not really repeatable.

I'm not saying it's well optimised, it clearly has some problems, but I've never been that guy before and had it running well when other folk seem to be reporting problems lol.

Even more surprisingly I'm on an AMD card
I know I'm probably going to get shouted at by someone for saying this but on my rig it runs pretty well tbh, I unlocked the frame rate after about 12 seconds of play, and really I have only experienced a noticeable frame drop once and thats was when driving through the middle of the city and it's not really repeatable.

I'm not saying it's well optimised, it clearly has some problems, but I've never been that guy before and had it running well when other folk seem to be reporting problems lol.

Even more surprisingly I'm on an AMD card

Same here, Performance wise it's ok it's just the extreme lack of options.

Capping the frame rate out of the box to 30, Having only on or off for AA, Texture has 2 settings low or normal, Things like that, That have really annoyed a lot of people as the last Batman game, Origins, Was awesome in the graphical customization department.
Same here, Performance wise it's ok it's just the extreme lack of options.

Capping the frame rate out of the box to 30, Having only on or off for AA, Texture has 2 settings low or normal, Things like that, That have really annoyed a lot of people as the last Batman game, Origins, Was awesome in the graphical customization department.

I must confess I was very underwhelmed by the graphical options, but I just figured this was why my performance was so good because there was not much grunt to the game, I think in a few scenes I have noticed it looks worse than it's predecessors.

It is certainly a step down options wise and has the kind of settings you might expect from an indie dev with a smaller budget.

Maybe this outsourced console house they used for the port cut all the graphical features as they realised they had run a train crash on the performance, it seems odd that Textures only go up to normal, whereas other settings have a high.
As well as the horrendous performance the game has a tendency to downclock the GPU memory, I noticed on my card the memory clock was stuck at 6600 while ingame yet if I ran Asylum, City or Origins the clock shot back up to 8000 no problem.

Exactly 20% higher frequency than the GDDR5 on PS4

Illuminati confirmed
So I think I may now be in a position to give an honest opinion of the game so far. Played about an hour and a half this morning (not giving away any spoilers, although at this stage there aren't really any), and apart from the annoying 30FPS thing, no real issues. I've seen videos posted by tech of tomorrow and other people moaning about what should have been done, and yes it's been a far from perfect launch for the PC. Given the fact that Rocksteady have committed to resolving any issues, and you have the refund option through Steam, I think these issues will be resolved. Bare in mind that none of Rocksteady's PC launches have gone smoothly. I just wish they'd learnt from previous issues. All in all, the game is enjoyable, but yeah, an FPS greater than 30 would be nice, but that will come. Again this is just MY opinion.
Launching a PC game in 2015 with a 30fps cap is criminal. Even low end PC hardware these days can run 1080p 60fps with reasonable settings.

A possible secondary kick in the nuts for both dev and nvidia I guess is that the video showing off Gameworks tech with Arkham Knight was run (or poss just uploaded) at 1080p 60fps. Not a great launch :(