Bad e-tailers


Active member
I think there should be space on the forum to name and shame the e-tailers to avoid like the plague so that the forum users know who to not spend their hard earned cash with and to go with reliable e-tailers rather than a wagon load of monkeys =00=
And would this just be centered around a certain part of the world/globe or international as well?...
Dunno if its a good idea to start bashing on companies. Could turn nasty. What may be good for some and bad for others could cause negativity to all E-tailers.
Lets face it things will go wrong at every retailer - its how they fix it that should make them stand out
Lets face it things will go wrong at every retailer - its how they fix it that should make them stand out


Such as my bad experience with G2A. Initially I was very disatisfied. However they really stuck their necks out and got me my refund. So its certainly kept me as a customer.

One company I will happily commend, are the guys at Aquatuning. As my online stores are limited due to being in Norway and trying to avoid silly import taxes, these guys are outstanding for assistance.

So if anything there should be a thread commending the customer service/support of E-tailers rather than bashing them. I'd rather see a thread of positive feedback.
TBH is it really the kind of reputation that OC3D needs? as a place that mouths off and bashes businesses all the time, sure it might be ok to quietly warn someone but a dedicated thread might? look bad, don't really know just my 2 cents worth.
The slightest thing that goes wrong people moan - its just the internet - difference is normally its the end users fault - etailers do get it bad
TBH is it really the kind of reputation that OC3D needs? as a place that mouths off and bashes businesses all the time, sure it might be ok to quietly warn someone but a dedicated thread might? look bad, don't really know just my 2 cents worth.

Thats why if anything I would prefer a thread promoting excellent customer service if anything. But either way, it could still turn sour from disagreements etc. So I stand by my original thought, that its not such a good idea.
I agree here, this isn't something that should be on here, if anything it should be the other way around, as in sites that members here recommend instead, that way it avoids the shitstorm that can come from something like this!!!.....

This thread is something that shouldn't be on any site anywhere!!
haha, well there are threads like that here in AU. Whilst it did help occasionally, the biggest problem is that people will only really bother posting if they have a bad experience, if its a good one then all is good and well and they wont post about it.

A business will always have its ups and downs so a thread about good ones will not always work out either, as it could end up hurting the credibility.
Lets face it things will go wrong at every retailer - its how they fix it that should make them stand out

AMEN! I have ordered THOUSANDS of dollars of stuff in the last year and yeah, things go awry on a semi-regular basis here in the states (usually due to the ineptitude of the delivery company) but how the various companies i've used deal with that screw up is the gauge i use whether i ever use them again.
If an e tailer has a forum, being a regular on it helps if you get a problem as you will already know the people who will deal with it.