back to OC'ing my 3570K


New member
Just a quick question about my temps/volts.

With the soon to be released GTA V im wanting to get a little extra in the way of frames in this open world map.

Basically I've boosted the Turbo clock up to 41 (4.1ghz) and my Volts are 1.080v.

After running IBT over 10 runs on a custom stress level (using as much of the available ram as possible) the highest core temp I get is 67 degrees.

I'm pretty sure its fine and i don't need to worry untill it gets over like 80 but just making sure :)

Cheers guys/gals :)
that temp is fine but testing should be much longer, otherwise it could crash after a while of gaming. It's also best to turn off all the C states and power saving features to make sure it's stable at it's max load during testing. It's probably just easier to leave them off entirely tbh. It's what i have done and others on here have.

For longer testing something like OCCT linpack/Prime95 would be my first ones to choose. OCCT in my expierence is the more stressful test though. After 8 hours i would say your good to go if you are only gaming, as it's not that stressful in comparison to these tests.
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thats what I thought, my overclock is a lower setting than one of my saved overclock settings which had (I reverted back to stock) and that one ran overnight all fine, but its been ages since I clocked the cpu, so I'll set it off again, probably overnight. (after GTA V of course)