New member
Hey guys have an issue I've never come across before hoping somebody can help me resolve it.
I Bought a CPU(3570K) and a motherboard (ASUS Z77-v le) last year and the mobo died a few weeks ago,a few days ago I bought a used ASUS z68-v board, installed the cpu all was well booted into windows no problems all 16gb of memory shows up etc
The problem as per the title is I lack any multiplier options in the uefi I have tried
Reseating the cpu
Changing around memory
Clear CMOS
Revert to older bios and again to newer bios both the same
changing C stepping settings and all the the usual turbo boost options no change
checked for any potential grounding situations i.e overtightened motherboard standoff screws etc
epu and tpu are disabled
The Cpu worked perfectly in the previous board overclocked fine iGPU works etc so I'm a little baffled anybody have any ideas?
One caveat, I did have AIsuite II installed and as the motherboard died suddenly it is still installed on the OS drive but surely that wouldnt affect any BIOS overclocking options?
I Bought a CPU(3570K) and a motherboard (ASUS Z77-v le) last year and the mobo died a few weeks ago,a few days ago I bought a used ASUS z68-v board, installed the cpu all was well booted into windows no problems all 16gb of memory shows up etc
The problem as per the title is I lack any multiplier options in the uefi I have tried
Reseating the cpu
Changing around memory
Clear CMOS
Revert to older bios and again to newer bios both the same
changing C stepping settings and all the the usual turbo boost options no change
checked for any potential grounding situations i.e overtightened motherboard standoff screws etc
epu and tpu are disabled
The Cpu worked perfectly in the previous board overclocked fine iGPU works etc so I'm a little baffled anybody have any ideas?
One caveat, I did have AIsuite II installed and as the motherboard died suddenly it is still installed on the OS drive but surely that wouldnt affect any BIOS overclocking options?
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