If you're dedicated to the pursuit of audio excellence with no expense spared, the ASUS Essence STX II 7.1 is definitely worth a look.
ASUS Xonar Essence STX II 7.1 Soundcard Review
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AHHH THEY STILL USE F****** MOLEX!!!!!!!!!!!! My current Xonar STX uses them, so that means I have to use my RM650 molex cable to attach just ONE device. And there is NO way of hiding that damn cable!
Well what other option is there? they could do sata or floppy but i would still prefer a molex because sata connecters have little grip and floppy have that annoying clip underneath. Get a braided molex extension cable, atleast that would look nice.
Dude...whats on those tissues?
I am a mess and have a cold - dude! You are right, need to pull down that picture
Dude...whats on those tissues?