ASUS VX239H 1080P IPS HD Monitor Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

If you're in the market for a new monitor, and especially if you love your technology to be white, then ASUS might have just the ticket.

ASUS VX239H 1080P IPS HD Monitor Review
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Wow, the price is really what sets it apart. If I had had a slightly higher monitor budget, I probably would have gone for this one.
I've actually got this monitor but in black, Had it for around a month now in work and the picture is lovely, Looks nice and blends into an office setting quite well.
Im very interested in this monitor. it would serve as a great introduction IPS panels. i'm still a bit torn between either this or the Acer H236HL.

My biggest question would be, how well this does monitor for intensively playing games by which i mean primarily games, not "pro gaming"?