Asus pa249q?


Active member
Hey guys,

So my mom's birthday is coming up next month and I've never really given her something "big" in terms of meaning before... So, since she does a lot of photoshopping, like every day (take a look for yourself:, I thought I'd give her a better monitor that will suit her needs.

Now, I've looked at the ASUS PA279Q, which costs quite a penny and then the smaller ASUS PA249Q.

I know most of you would say go for the ASUS PA279Q, since it has better resolution etc... But do you know any other ones, newer perhaps, that would be good? :)

Here is a link to some of ASUS' current IPS 1440p monitors on Overclockers UK

The VX24AH looks interesting, it is a 24" ips 1440p and PB278QR looks good too.

Also spotted this and though it might be up your alley, pretty good price for a 3440x1440 monitor .

If you know what monitor she has and what price you are looking at we can give you good recommendations. Are you tied to ASUS for any particular reason? What resolution are you looking for?
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Here is a link to some of ASUS' current IPS 1440p monitors on Overclockers UK

The VX24AH looks interesting, it is a 24" ips 1440p and PB278QR looks good too.

Also spotted this and though it might be up your alley, pretty good price for a 3440x1440 monitor .

If you know what monitor she has and what price you are looking at we can give you good recommendations. Are you tied to ASUS for any particular reason? What resolution are you looking for?

Not really no, just remember looking at Linus video review of it when he first posted it and have kept it in mind ever since.

Well the price of the Swift is too much and I want a monitor that is actually aimed at photoshopping/artists.

Artists I've worked with in the past prefer 27" 1440p Dell IPS Ultrasharps.

Ahh okay... you got a link to an example? :)