The latest Strix branded card comes complete with a new Direct CU III cooler. We test it alone and as a pair in SLI.
ASUS GTX980Ti Strix SLI Review
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Personally I'd sand the red off the side strip so the light just comes through as white, Remove and paint the other 2 strips black and remove the top red cross and paint it black, To me that would look like sex ! ^_^
I've been seeing large temperature discrepancies with the 980ti AIB cards. The reviewers claim the MSI 6G tops out at around 73°C, but those with the card are claiming 80°C or more. And on a more related note, Guru3D's review of Strix 980ti showed 82°C, only a few degrees lower than reference while TTL's showed much, much better temps. Obviously it was a great deal quieter, but still. Also, I recognise that case airflow makes a big difference, but it makes me doubt the testing methods of a lot of reviewers. I prefer TTL's layout of actually using a case. Most are on test benches.
Yeah, ambient temperatures will definitely play a role, but I haven't noticed it ever making this big of a difference before.You also need to consider some may be testing in summer heat, my tests are always done at 20c
Yeah, ambient temperatures will definitely play a role, but I haven't noticed it ever making this big of a difference before.
TTL's numbers are spot on, Not taking sides here but look at Kitgurus, Shows the same, 29idle, 67 load, 73 with furmarks torture test even Xtremesystems shows a load temp of 71.
If they had 80'C+ then they must have been testing in a room that was stupid hot.
Room temp does make quite a difference even if the cards are watercooled. Where I use more than a single card my bedroom is always 24C or higher even in the middle of the night. This in turn results in higher running temps.
Yeah, I think you're right.TTL's numbers are actually quite spot on, Not taking sides here but look at Kitgurus, Shows the same, 29idle, 67 load, 73 with furmarks torture test even Xtremesystems tests show a load temp of 71.
If they had 80'C+ then they must have been testing in a room that was stupidly hot with zero ventilation.
Yeah, I think you're right.
But the problem is, too many folks are experiencing high temperatures with their MSI 6G. I'm not saying that's going to be the case with the Strix, but 75-80°C @ 100% fan speed is pretty bad. You may as well just use a reference card at that point as you won't be overclocking very high.
As has been the case for a while now, the G1 Gaming is the coolest air cooler around. It's said to be quite noisy on the 980ti though. I'm hoping to find a balance. Based on the reviews, the MSI was that. But too many consumer reviews have been negative. I'll wait for the Strix to get into people's hands. I'm interested to see how eVGA's ACX cooler keeps up on the Classified.
Probably going to be too expensive though. I'm already really pushing it with a 980ti. If the European prices are €750 like the Strix then that would be awesome, but the Gaming 6G is €750 so I highly doubt that.
I agree. I really can't see how we're going to get any better than cards like the G1 Gaming without binning chips.Please don't think I'm on a witch hunt but unless MSI start true binning again like they did with the 480 Lightning and the blue fanned 580 Lightning there's really no point.
Nearly all of their AMD Lightning cards have been fail, and the 780 wasn't anything special either.
It just works out like £100 extra for a nice looking cooler.
Please don't think I'm on a witch hunt but unless MSI start true binning again like they did with the 480 Lightning and the blue fanned 580 Lightning there's really no point.
Nearly all of their AMD Lightning cards have been fail, and the 780 wasn't anything special either.
It just works out like £100 extra for a nice looking cooler.