WYP News Guru Jun 2, 2015 #1 ASUS' GTX 980Ti STRIX Smiles for the camera. It will sport a 15% factory overclock. You can read more on the ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX here.
ASUS' GTX 980Ti STRIX Smiles for the camera. It will sport a 15% factory overclock. You can read more on the ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX here.
AverageNinja Average Penis Too Jun 2, 2015 #2 It's beautiful. You go ASUS! Quite like the backplate too
K Kushiro New member Jun 2, 2015 #3 That red looks horrible to me though. Hope it performs better than it looks.
W Warchild Active member Jun 2, 2015 #4 Hehe I actually, really dislike the backplate. I'm a more sleek and simple design kind of person.
F Fetchez La Vache New member Jun 2, 2015 #5 That red looks horrible to me though. Hope it performs better than it looks. Click to expand... Completely agree with the red, thought the Strix colour scheme was also meant to be black and amber?
That red looks horrible to me though. Hope it performs better than it looks. Click to expand... Completely agree with the red, thought the Strix colour scheme was also meant to be black and amber?
TheOrangeOne New member Jun 2, 2015 #6 I love the design of it, although I'm not 100% sure on the backplate
M MadShadow New member Jun 2, 2015 #7 Backplate looks terrible. What the hell is that red part for? I dont understand why brands don't understand minimalism...
Backplate looks terrible. What the hell is that red part for? I dont understand why brands don't understand minimalism...
Feronix New member Jun 2, 2015 #8 The random bits of silver that don't even match colours with the heatpipes annoy me a little more than they should tbh :s
The random bits of silver that don't even match colours with the heatpipes annoy me a little more than they should tbh :s
TPC New member Jun 2, 2015 #10 That card is huge! Why do they always have to extend it to the top like that...
Feronix New member Jun 2, 2015 #11 TPC said: That card is huge! Why do they always have to extend it to the top like that... Click to expand... More real-estate for components without making the card longer and thus compatible with fewer case, while most standard cases have a 120mm at the back, on top of the height of the motherboard I/O shield which makes for more room for taller cards.
TPC said: That card is huge! Why do they always have to extend it to the top like that... Click to expand... More real-estate for components without making the card longer and thus compatible with fewer case, while most standard cases have a 120mm at the back, on top of the height of the motherboard I/O shield which makes for more room for taller cards.
Kaapstad New member Jun 2, 2015 #12 WYP said: ASUS' GTX 980Ti STRIX Smiles for the camera. It will sport a 15% factory overclock. You can read more on the ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX here. Click to expand... Wimp This is more like it
WYP said: ASUS' GTX 980Ti STRIX Smiles for the camera. It will sport a 15% factory overclock. You can read more on the ASUS GTX 980Ti STRIX here. Click to expand... Wimp This is more like it
Feronix New member Jun 2, 2015 #13 Kaapstad said: Wimp This is more like it Click to expand... :lol: I do wonder what makes this card a Strix now though? Apart from a logo on the backplate and fans...
Kaapstad said: Wimp This is more like it Click to expand... :lol: I do wonder what makes this card a Strix now though? Apart from a logo on the backplate and fans...