ASUS found to have the Industry's Most Reliable Motherboards


News Guru
ASUS have been found to have the Industry's Most Reliable Motherboards, with only a mere 1.89% of owners requesting a return for their product.


Read more on the reliability of ASUS' motherboard.
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Doesn't surprise me been using my Asus board for nearly 7 years virtually 24/7 and it's still awesome even with a GTX 480 microwave on it. ^_^
Still got an AM2 M3A32 here and it's as good as the day I got it (used I may add).

For bios Asus win hands down for me, though I will admit I have a MSI and Gigabyte board also (which are fine so long as you leave the bios well alone...)
Is there any additional information about other motherboards as well? Perhaps some RMA graphs? Would be awesome.

BTW I also have a P6T Deluxe v1 and never had problems with it :)
Can confirm. Still own a M2N32 and a M3A32 both of which have had years of continuous use and now own a Maximus VII which i hope lasts just as long :)
Well I guess I do have to admit quite a few of my old systems are using Asus boards. So good on Asus for that.
Not the best!!!

It should be ''ASUS Found as the most marketing brand in the market.''

There are better motherboards for lower prices than ASUS with higher prices.

An example is: ASRock Z170 Extreme4 (145$) vs ASUS Z170-A (158$), the ASRock one destroy the ASUS one. It's made in better quality, has better caps (12K Nichicon Golden Caps vs 5K caps), more/better Power Phases, better sound, better looking, and overall is a better mobo.

It even competes with a Hero VIII.

Also, even my ASRock Z170 Pro4 is made in better quality than my ASUS Z170-A/USB3.1 and cost less.

Heres a tip: Never go with the brand, go with the actual product.
The quality of a brand/product is not something a consumer with a single purchase can determine, there can always be exceptions. From personal experience Ive not had ASRock products work without a hitch for more than a year. Sound stopped working etc etc.

Whilist I agree that ASRock does indeed make decent boards for the money, the is definitely a difference in quality in regards to the products from Asus and ASRock, whether it be the products themselves or the aftersales service (Asus has been on the decline for both as of late).
Congrats to Asus. That's definitely an achievement. While it's not global statistics, it sure is a very good indication of what they would be. I'm pretty interested in how other brands are doing.
My P5Q SE/R is still in use and running as well as when I bought it. Well done to ASUS on this.
Never had an Asus board in my life but they do warrant consideration if they are seen as reliable. Also never had an Asrock board either as they always seemed bottom tier to me.
Naaaahhh... This is how the order go

2: Gigabyte
3: ASRock
4: MSI

But talking about quality, ASRock tends to make their mid/high range board with top quality components.
2% returns, i must be 1.7% of that alone :lol: (inside joke)

This is very impressive, i've got to say i use nothing but Asus motherboards, have done since the original Maximus days, and I've personally had a great experience with them.
I don't believe that statistic. :) I've had 2 boards die in the 15 or so years I've built and overclocked computers and they are both Asus. In general I've heard pretty much only about Asus high end boards (and GPUs) dying. They might have the most reliable mainstream solutions though and the statistic might be skewed that way. The brutal evidence is that I had 2 high end-ish Asus motherboards in the signature, now I have 2 MSIs... Objectively speaking, Asus have the best UEFIs for the past 8+ years by a mile. But when you add their horrible support in the UK, things make me choose something else.
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I heard this aswell from so many people, but sadly my ASUS z97-P has had BIOS issues since day 1 and often refuses to turn on, it's a right shame as once the PC gets running it's perfect, it's just the regularly having to reset the pc by the wall as the mobo freezes during power on is a right pain in the ass.
I'm slightly concerned that in this day of CAD/CAM and quality control, it's considered acceptable - and even applaudable - for one in every fifty motherboards to be faulty. And if ASUS are leading the field in quality, Christ only knows what ASRocks stats are like - do they ever ship a board that works?

Am I missing something here? Can you imagine the uproar if one in fifty iPhones had to be returned, or one in fifty PS4s, or one in fifty Xbox Ones - oh, awkward.
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