Assetto Corsa Skin Editing.


I've been asked "A lot" how I managed to edit the skin on my car so I've decided I'm going to show you.
Modifying car liveries within Assetto Corsa is not as difficult as you may think, there are how ever a few things you will 100% need which are as follows:

Photoshop, GIMP (I'm assured GIMP works but I use PS).
NVIDIA Texture Tools plug in for Photoshop or GIMP DDS.

First things first, install your required plug in for your chosen image editing program.

Now to locate your vehicle template, the good fellas at Assetto Corsa have very kindly supplied us with a template for every car available within the game, which can be found "Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Assettocorsa/dev/skin_templates" ignore the .DDS files we're only after the .psd file.

Now open your skin template using your image editing software and we'll get started, you will notice a flat car! That's because this skin is wrapped around the 3D model when in game (cool eh) well if it's a bit confusing don't worry the devs also kindly give us the wire frame overlay so we can see just where the model parts meet (how very cool)




Here's one I made earlier

when ever you want to add something to the model always do this on a "NEW Layer" do not edit or manipulate any of the stock layers as this can cause some really funky side effects in game.

Feel free to have a play and a tinker with some colour and even paste in some logos you can't break the game (yet).

Now that you've had a play and made something creative you are going to want to save it and in the right location, but before we can save it we are going to create a new Skin folder within Assetto Corsas game directory, you will find your cars in "Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/assettocorsa/content/cars/bmw_z4-gt3/skins", within your chosen cars skin folder you will find numerous pre installed skins, go ahead and copy one and rename its folder to something you'll recognise, the contents of the folder should look something like the image below. (I've highlighted the important files)


Now back to your edited image you will save this as a .DDS file to the folder we just created, using the settings pictured below. It will take some time to overwrite the existing file so wait a few seconds.


Hint:You can also edit the Livery.png file in the cars skin folder which will make it easier to find in the game.

once you have your cars skin saved take a few seconds to edit the UI_Skin file, use notepad for this, all this is for is the details of the skin which will be displayed in the game when you select it.



Now that we have reached this stage, you can go ahead and load up your game and have a look at your new creation, to do this open up the car liveries select pane choose your design and visit the showroom to take a look... if you made it this far and everything is good then take her for a spin and then watch the replays to see the fruits of your labor.

Any issues or questions drop them below and I'll answer as soon as I can.

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I've added this to the drive club bit (-edit I can't edit the post so I'll get it sorted later). I'm also making a skin of my own right now, thanks for the guide :)
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Oh and for gimp you'll need the plugin to do the .DDS bit however apart from that minor niggle its pretty much the same thing :).
-edit- I missed the bit about the GIMP DDS. I'm really not on the ball today ¬¬
I could lose days playing with this!

:lol: I have already, when I get some more time, I'll delve into it some more. You can lose a few hours just finding the right logo & pattern positions matching up the panels.
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