Assassin's Creed Unity Patch 5 Delayed For PC


Average Penis Too
Last Wednesday Ubisoft pushed an update for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Assassin's Creed Unity. The PC version was due to get the update last thursday, however Ubisoft silently sent out a Tweet announcing the update will be delayed. Indeed, they've done it again.


Read more on Assassin's Creed Unity's Delayed Update 5.
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The only lads that can complain about performance are the 980 SLI lads. This is one of the prettiest games to ever have been released on PC. You need a 980 and a 120MHz monitor for smooth fps that averages around 55-60. If you run it with vsync at 60Mhz i agree, it runs pants. It was designed to be maxed out on the best hardware.

The lads with anything less will say how badly optimised it is. The 980 sli lads have a right to moan because they SHOULD be getting constant 60fps. As I understand though, the sli bug isnt fixed yet.

A lot of the beef is from lads who bought it on release. Early adopters who think every single game should be released perfect and never need a patch.

I've had it since 1.4. I think when you consider how stunning it is graphically, the scope of the game, and the fact they had to build the engine from the ground up for next gen, its hardly surprising it was borked.

I feel sorry for the programers and devs. Forced to rush a game out because of corporate pressure from the bigwigs. Dont hate on them, it wasn't their decision.
Game are expected to come out almost perfect. You wouldn't buy a Blu-ray with half a film on.

But you do.. hence why bloopers aren't in the main film;)^_^

Also about EA.. ever since they got a new CEO.. he's turned the company around. They are improving, only thing bad about EA these days is the release of Hardline, which isn't his fault as it was already under development. Ubisoft is just replacing them. Which is a shame considering the game portfolios they have. In the end i'd still be wary as a consumer. Wait for others to figure it out before you.
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Any news on whether they are fixing the SLI flicker? I have tried contacting Ubisoft and shared a fix with them but no response.

Sli fix here. It removes the opening Ubisoft, Nvidia and "Inspired by historic events..." video clips but it definitely works. Just don't verify files after.

*dodgy link removed*


Tried to post a link on here for fixing the SLI Issue but my post has vanished
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The golden rule is, and always has been, never buy a game on launch day. The only benefit is you get to learn the maps at the same rate everyone else does on multiplayer.

If you're not into the multiplayer lark, then it's simple. Wait for it to be patched a couple of times.

I have a friend who used to work for Codemasters. He says devs dread launch days because it is almost impossible to cover every base, and get everything right first time.

Of course, then you have the other side of the coin. Look at Rocksteady and how long we are waiting for the new Batman game.
Realistically they should of released the game now, Would of been sooo much better, They wouldn't have made a laughing stock of themselves and people wouldn't of lost trust.
Still waiting until they fix the SLI flicker and deliver the promised tesselation before I finally play this darned game. They still haven't fixed the flicker in DA:I either. And some people say DX12 will make some of these problems go away? Bullpoo. If anything DX12 will put more burden on devs to optimize games and the AAA game scene lately is quite bad enough in that regard. I miss the 20th century sometimes... Rant over.
anybody paying attention?

There is a fix for Sli flicker! not an official UBISOFT fix but it works. It's not the "sequence 4, memory 1" work around. Just Google it and it should be the first that pops up. Again... Tried to post the link but I guess this forum doesn't allow them.