Assassins Creed Unity only 30fps on "Next-Gen" consoles


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Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over any differences in performance.

"We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff." -Senior producer Vincent Pontbriand

Apparently it's the consoles CPU wich isnt capable enough for processing the AI, NPCs etc. while on higher resolutions

"Technically we're CPU-bound. The GPUs are really powerful, obviously the graphics look pretty good, but it's the CPU [that] has to process the AI, the number of NPCs we have on screen, all these systems running in parallel."

He also stated that the GPU would be able to run the game at 100fps but only without the CPU bottleneck.

Let's just hope Assassin's Creed Unity will be playable on PC



Read the full front page article on Assassin's creed Unity's 900p/30FPS console lock here.
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Cant believe they wanted to achieve f*cking "console padory" as they call it. They want the game to run the same on the Xbox One and PS4, even though the PS4 is faster! They say this is to avoid arguments about which console is better, but we all know the truth. The dumbf*cks over at Ubisoft are pulling another "Watchdogs", but for console...
welll if they are blaming the cpu for the resolutions then it reall makes no difference if its ps4 or xbox. if it was gpu bound then the ps4 should be better. but cpu bound?? pretty much the same..

the real truth of the matter is. neither console is good enough to be "next gen" or atleast they wont have the longevity that previous gens had.
not going to start the pc vs console thing, but honestly these consoles needed a better back bone to start it "cpu" those little cpu's they put in them may sound good with extra cores. but really they dont match up and a fx 6200 was probably a better cpu to use letalone the MANY other better gaming cpus they could have used..

I guess they were worried about heat again so went for low power.. but they should have just realized if they needed the things to last they had to give it the hardware so it could.
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welll if they are blaming the cpu for the resolutions then it reall makes no difference if its ps4 or xbox. if it was gpu bound then the ps4 should be better. but cpu bound?? pretty much the same..

I guess they would have been able to let it run on 972p on the ps4 or something crooked like that, but then they would have been flamed for these stupid Resolution numbers, although "Resolution is just a number"
Console parody or whatever they called it is silly. They should be trying to offer the best possible experience for all gamers. Why hold back your game? Resolution isn't the only thing that makes a game look pretty..
Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over any differences in performance.

"We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff." -Senior producer Vincent Pontbriand

Apparently it's the consoles CPU wich isnt capable enough for processing the AI, NPCs etc. while on higher resolutions

"Technically we're CPU-bound. The GPUs are really powerful, obviously the graphics look pretty good, but it's the CPU [that] has to process the AI, the number of NPCs we have on screen, all these systems running in parallel."

He also stated that the GPU would be able to run the game at 100fps but only without the CPU bottleneck.

Let's just hope Assassin's Creed Unity will be playable on PC



Read the full front page article on Assassin's creed Unity's 900p/30FPS console lock here.

Nice find mate. Made this front page.
why do people expect anything more from ubsioft after the bs they pulled with watch dogs, probably microsoft payed them enough to make al the games look equal, i mean this is the company that said far cry 4 will offer best experience on consoles, its gonna be another wd with half of pc efects disabled again, hope piracy kills them for this bs
Wow this is just sad... MS probably paid them for this shit.

"This game is CPU bound. We need more than the 8 cores provided for more AI and NPC processing"

Wow just wow. Now we all know they aren't very good at optimizing at all. Hell if the gpu is so powerful then why don't they offload as much work as possible to it and allow the cpu to do more work. I'm no graphics programmer but this just sounds like laziness to me.
I would imagine 4-6 good cores would be more than enough 8 mediocre cores are always going to mediocre whether you have 1 2 4 8 16 or 32 of them.

and the gpu isnt all that either its a lower powered mobile version of the 7870 i think. so even the under powered laptop versions are faster..
I would imagine 4-6 good cores would be more than enough 8 mediocre cores are always going to mediocre whether you have 1 2 4 8 16 or 32 of them.

Don't take it that far.. 32 cores(of the console spec) is more than enough to surpass a 4790k when you include the optimization they do.
Wow this is just sad... MS probably paid them for this shit.

"This game is CPU bound. We need more than the 8 cores provided for more AI and NPC processing"

Wow just wow. Now we all know they aren't very good at optimizing at all. Hell if the gpu is so powerful then why don't they offload as much work as possible to it and allow the cpu to do more work. I'm no graphics programmer but this just sounds like laziness to me.

And you never will be at this rate lmfao.

You're so wrong.

I love how everyone is suddenly an expert when it comes to console programming...
And you never will be at this rate lmfao.

You're so wrong.

I love how everyone is suddenly an expert when it comes to console programming...
There's a lot of "experts" on enthusiast pc hardware forums. ;)

The fact I actually work in the semi-conductor industry myself, I see lots of cringe-worthy statements from people that are plain wrong when it comes to electronics.

You have to remember, the majority of people on forums like this one or even reviewers are just people with above average knowledge and experience of PC hardware, they invariably aren't engineers, programmers, circuit designers etc.

This isn't a dig at anyone in particular, just stating facts. ;)
OOH Zoot we need to talk ... Semiconductors eh ;)
What part of the process are you involved in? lol sorry just geeked out...

I guess they are just trying to please everyone and in this day and age you cant please everyone, I don't like the fact they have had to dampen the performance output due to hardware but if the final product is reasonable then we can moan too much. They please one crowd they become lovers of one console or PC, It would be nice if they made an after thought into the PC market and maybe left in some tweaks. One can wish but its also a business they have to do right financially otherwise they wont be able to make the games that everyone moans about.
There's a lot of "experts" on enthusiast pc hardware forums. ;)

The fact I actually work in the semi-conductor industry myself, I see lots of cringe-worthy statements from people that are plain wrong when it comes to electronics.

You have to remember, the majority of people on forums like this one or even reviewers are just people with above average knowledge and experience of PC hardware, they invariably aren't engineers, programmers, circuit designers etc.

This isn't a dig at anyone in particular, just stating facts. ;)

Cringe-worthy is exactly what it is most of the time.
Consumers have a right to expect a game to run at 1080p @ 60FPS on current gen consoles but when they start going, "They don't know how to optimise" - it's just pure ignorance.

For a small insight on what sort of basic optimisations need to be done on a console have a watch of Mike Acton's lecture at CPPCon where talks about how important it is to avoid cache misses.
OOH Zoot we need to talk ... Semiconductors eh ;)
What part of the process are you involved in? lol sorry just geeked out....
I'm an Analogue Circuit Designer, not really willing to reveal more than that. ;)

Cringe-worthy is exactly what it is most of the time.
Consumers have a right to expect a game to run at 1080p @ 60FPS on current gen consoles but when they start going, "They don't know how to optimise" - it's just pure ignorance.

For a small insight on what sort of basic optimisations need to be done on a console have a watch of Mike Acton's lecture at CPPCon where talks about how important it is to avoid cache misses.
TBH, I'd say most of that would go over my head. I haven't seen any complicated code other than C since my college days which is a good few years ago now. ;)