to be fair they could have easily chosen better than 8 core jaguar..
"IMO" they went for low heat low power hopeing not to get ylod/rrod so they didnt lose a fortune on replacments/warranty which all stems back to not being allowed to use leaded solder.
but really they could have used a real mobile version of the gpu rather than a lower performing one. and they could have used a sperate reall CPU and that could have been a fx cpu and a nice split of 8gb ram 2gb gddr. they would be able to do 1080p at 60fps with propper optimizing. and i really cant think of many games 1080p that wouldnt run at 60hz "metro last light prehaps?" but optimizing would work just fine. drop some textures down and your looking at 60hz 1080p no probs..
but even if they had i dont think the consoles would have been acceptable for their 8-9 year usuall life span.
this generation of consoles "from the start" has not been looking like it would be worth it.. and this is not helping..
the only hope that these consoles have are if there are api advancments that the gpu's can utilize. but even then its hard to see them competing with the upcoming gaming laptops with things like the 970m let alone high or even mid end gaming pc's.
it really infuriates me that these developers have taken it uppon them selfs to excuse the consoles.
they really need to stand up and just say.. the consoles cant do it.
all that this serves to do is to have the console fans still say "they can do it but they wont develop for it. the consoles can run any modern game 60fps 1080p"
when just looking at the things specs you know they cant.
What the fuck.
I'm not exactly an AMD fan and i don't like the way they do business, but their GPUs can compete with nvidia GPUs and their CPUs have a small market share, so that doesn't matter either.
The xbone and the PS4 both are capable of running games at 1080p 60fps, ubisoft chose to not make their game run at those settings though.
My old pentium d system with 8600 gt could run games at 60fps too. but not many..