Are our Aussie members law-breakers?

No they haven't banned them it's just our censorship laws are kinda funky at the mo afaik, 'cause they don't have an R rated category just MA 15+.

This makes it a little hard to categorise exceptionally graphic games. :)

AussieMum. :)

So we aren't crims!
AussieMum said:
No they haven't banned them it's just our censorship laws are kinda funky at the mo afaik, 'cause they don't have an R rated category just MA 15+.

This makes it a little hard to categorise exceptionally graphic games. :)

AussieMum. :)

So we aren't crims!

lol I wasn't suggesting you all are crims ;)

Just that the article basically says that your not sposed to buy games with an above 15 rating :(
Wirelessly posted (Nextel BB7520: BlackBerry7520/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

That would be so unbelieably whack, the sad part is I could actually see this happening in light of the recent retardo bans we've been seeing.

Some country its illegal to chew gum on a wednesday or some stupid shit...
yeah, like the law that you can have sex at 16, yet you couldnt film yourselves and watch it as you need to be 18 to watch porn. stupid laws.
hate to point it out, but australia is just a country of convicts. its where we shipped the criminals many many years ago :D
name='nabberuk' said:
yeah, like the law that you can have sex at 16, yet you couldnt film yourselves and watch it as you need to be 18 to watch porn. stupid laws.

I've never though about that before - Hell of a good point mate ;)

There are lots of silly laws - In Alaska, you can't look at a moose from an aeroplane. :eh:
DaVos has a good point Prisoners Of Her Majesty , funny that they call us pommies though :) I have spent some time with Australians in real life (well 6 months working with them) though and found them to be damn good chaps , petty they cannot play cricket eh :p