Arctic Cooling Accelero Xtreme IV with non reference.


New member
So yeah, i just ordered a Arctic Cooling Accelero Xtreme IV for my Asus 560Ti, and just now did i realize that it is said that it only fits reference pcb. I googled around for pictures on the pcb's and this is what i found:




Non reference.

So yeah, will my cooler fit or do i have to cry and return it?
Because..? I take it you've tried or?

Look at the capacitor layout, If the cooler doesn't properly touch them you might be in luck but there's also the screw holes to consider, If you look on the right hand side of the board they don't all line up with the reference board.

As i understand it it's just four screws, and there seems to be quite good clearance though.

So if those screws fit it should (emphasize on should) fit?

Not trying to be a pain in the bum, just looking for input and clinging on to the dream of a silent computer.
Guess what sits snuggling on my 560TI?
Yeah, it did fit. Though i couldn't fit the backplate because of the dark rock 2.

Will take a pic and deliver temps when i get the chance, the idle lies around 30-34 anyways.