Apple Is Making An Electric Car?


News Guru
Apple is reportedly planning on entering the electric car market as the company hires 1000 people to work on "Project Titan". These new employees include 50 engineers from Tesla, Elon Musk's electric car company.


Read more on Apple's Electric Car/ "Project Titan" here.
Well you can expect the apple fangirls to say the usual "It's not about the specs" when paying 50% more than even a cheaper machine that far outperforms it in all areas apart from the hipster status.
Well you can expect the apple fangirls to say the usual "It's not about the specs" when paying 50% more than even a cheaper machine that far outperforms it in all areas apart from the hipster status.

I honestly do not see this reaching the light of day, but who knows.

In my honest opinion we need to focus more on cleaner energy than electric cars, remember where all the electricity comes from.
I honestly do not see this reaching the light of day, but who knows.

In my honest opinion we need to focus more on cleaner energy than electric cars, remember where all the electricity comes from.

True but you have to remember the fat cats can't get as much profit on clean energy as they have a well established decomposed animal juice fuel industry so clean energy is a long way off unless some people shake up the oil industry.
True but you have to remember the fat cats can't get as much profit on clean energy as they have a well established decomposed animal juice fuel industry so clean energy is a long way off unless some people shake up the oil industry.

Only thing that will stop the oil industry is the oil running out. It makes too much money for fat cats to take their blinkers off.

As for apple's car... lol.
True but you have to remember the fat cats can't get as much profit on clean energy as they have a well established decomposed animal juice fuel industry so clean energy is a long way off unless some people shake up the oil industry.

No energy source is infinite. Oil will run out and faster than most people think. Most of the world's oil comes from the middle east. Its estimated to last another 20-30 years before it's depleted. Once that happens.. if militaries around the world to move to different fuels... no more wars will be fought:p Solar power or using the sun is the best energy source we can harness. More people move to it the cheaper and better it will get. As of now it's expensive because all the greedy fucks just want to use all the oil.
There will always be conflict, as long as humanity and status exist. There will always be something for people for fight for :banghead:

I do want to see what things look like once the fuels actually run out though. Solar power is definitely a nice way for people to go, if every residence had solar thermal collectors on their roofs.... Flexible solar panels hmm...
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I'm sure Apple could bring something to the electric car table. After all design is where they really excel!. I can also imagine they would be able to produce a pretty decent in car operating system (Believe they may have already done this).

However, we will just have to see. I currently have far more faith in companies like Tesla who have the product currently to back up their position as; at least in my opinion, the best in class electric cars.
Now im all for the progression of technology, but i personally think Apple should work along side Tesla and design a insanely awesome AI for electric cars, something along the lines of I Robot or JARVIS

Im sure Apple would bring something to the table that would blow your mind, but they should really design the software which allow self driving cars
Well you can expect the apple fangirls to say the usual "It's not about the specs" when paying 50% more than even a cheaper machine that far outperforms it in all areas apart from the hipster status.

Its not always about the specifications though. It would be if Apple made their OSes in the same way as everyone else. an i7 cpu using a program that only makes use of one cpu core would be slower than a mid level AMD cpu that has the same program but it optimized only for that particular cpu. As people say, you can't compare the two as they use hardware in different ways. Hence how an iphone 6+ keeps up with the fastest android despite not having a particularly fast cpu.

Anyway on topic.
It'd have less raw power but as it is much lighter than your average car, it'd be as fast.
It would cost alot more then the equivalent normal car and need charging much more regularly. The service would be excellent but you'd never own the current generation one.

Basically, you'd still go for a tesla/BMW if you wanted an electric car. I mean, look how nice Tesla can make an electric car look!
Tesla Model S is selling like hotcakes in Oslo. My god there is like 1 on every street these days.

The P80 version (or was it P75) is insane on power and features.
Even though I was thinking about buying a fully electric car, I think a better option so far will be a hybrid. And in this case:

However, it would be still good if Apple joined the market. It's a popular brand and if electric cars are to evolve faster it's thanks to more people buying them. And Apple's marketing is top notch.