Anyone ever seen a 960/970 FTW+ Hybrid?


New member
At first I was confused as to why no matter what I did (clean install, making sure all the benchmark programs were up to date, etc.) my EVGA GTX 970 FTW+ continued showing up as a "Generic VGA Device" in all the benchmark programs, it shows up as a 970 in GPU-Z and in the Nvidia Control panel, but then I noticed I was getting terrible coil whine even with vsync turned on on BF4/BF: Hardline Beta and opened up my case to find this, nice work EVGA, Kinda disappointed by this card compared to the 760 ACX SC that it was replacing :/ Managed to get it returned for free and full refund and a discount on a 980 SC, here's hoping that's a little less whiny ;) (And yes I know they just messed up the labeling, but I'm still confused as to why it wouldn't show up at all in 3dMarks or 3dMark11...) And also I bought this brand new from Newegg and paid for a 970 FTW+
I'm not following here :huh:... only to find this?, what?.... that the power connectors aren't plugged in or what?...

Ohh you mean the "GTX 960" instead of "GTX 970" or what?...
It actually started with the card not being recognized with certain programs even after a clean install. But then I noticed coil whine even with vsync turned on and opened my case to find out they put a 960 label on my 970 FTW+
It actually started with the card not being recognized with certain programs even after a clean install. But then I noticed coil whine even with vsync turned on and opened my case to find out they put a 960 label on my 970 FTW+

Ohh dang... yeah, 970's have really been hit with coil whine. I got 2 ASUS 970 Strix's and both had coil whine, so then got an Sapphire R9 290X instead and not sure if it has coil whine or if it's my PSU. But I think it's my PSU though.

But that is lol though... a 960 label on a 970 card :p
I have the 970 FTW in my rig and it has given me no trouble. Had coil whine at first but I don't hear any now. And I haven't turned on v-sync.
My 290Xs get coil whine when I overvolt them for benching, I think it is quite handy as I can tell how much current they are pulling by how loud they are.:D
Coil whine did seem quite common with the AMD 290(x) cards, though only 3 out of the 7 290x's I go my hand on had coil whine, and only one was loud enough to be annoying.. Funny thing is that the ones that had coil whine were relatively poor overclockers too.

People have been saying that the coil whine with the 970 seems to die down a little though. Wasnt the case with my 290x's
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