Annoying black screen issue

A few years ago i built a desktop PC for my Mum, and all has been fine up until about three months ago. It started to just drop the signal to the monitor leaving it black and in standby mode whilst the PC was still running. I ran all the checks and couldn't find anything so i did a full re install. Great for a few days and then it started off again! I have tried several different memory modules, put in a new graphics card, new processor on a new mainboard, one of my old psu units ( Seasonic 600w ) That is working perfectly! I have basically changed everything, but the problem is still there? It can work all day with no issues, then right out of the blue, the monitor will switch off whilst she is in the middle of something. Short of Head butting a brick wall, i don't know what else to do:banghead:
No i haven't, but i will try that maybe tomorrow. I will try a VGA lead first, then take one of my other monitors round if it happens again. I am bald as a coot now with scratching my head.