News Guru
Should we expect big things from next-generation RDNA?

Read more about AMD's rumoured "Nvidia Killer".

Read more about AMD's rumoured "Nvidia Killer".
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I almost want to echo Dice's exact sentiment, but my experience with a Radeon VII gives me some hope this could be true. That card, like most AMD cards, sucks a little in stock form, because heater. Even the triple-fan cooler REPUTED to be a quality thing at the time, was crap. BUT once you put a water block on it, and got the temps under control, that card got serious in a hurry. The potential is there, in their architectures. Now if only they would learn something about proper heat dissipation.
5700XT is already close to 2070 super, I expect the 5800 to trade blows with 2080 and the 5900 likewise with the 2080ti and at a lower cost and power.
No idea when, I am speculating that these are the replacements for Polaris, I am also guessing there will be 5600 as well.5800 and 5900? Have I missed something here, only thought that the 5700 would be new from AMD?... When will the 58- and 5900 be released?.