AMD's Radeon Software drivers have a fan speed issue causing GPUs to overheat


News Guru
AMD's Radeon Software drivers have a fan speed issue causing GPUs to overheat.


Read more on AMD's fan speed issue in their Radeon Software Crimson Drivers.
The issue is that profiles don't properly save. Sometimes fan speed will be set to auto and sometimes it will be set to manual. Game profiles don't save either so hopefully that will be fixed as well.
I just thought that was normal? lol
I noticed my fan was on auto and it was constantly at 19%...thought nothing of it.
Hmm, didn't seem to be a problem with the Asus GPU software package installed.
It's always been a bit of a tossup in my mind as to which software suite overrode the other.
My temperatures on a 290x DCUii actually seemed to drop a few degrees under gaming load?
Although my house is not insulated and it's now regularly lower than 0c outside.
GOGO gadget AMD space heater!