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Expect to see a lot of Navi this year.
Read more about AMD's plans to have several "Navi Launches" in 2019.
Read more about AMD's plans to have several "Navi Launches" in 2019.
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since the best AMD has to offer is Radeon VII which is just 10-15% faster than Vega 64, and it struggles to get to the performance of an RTX 2080 which is also just like a GTX 1080ti , consider that Navi will not be a very good performer, but if the price is the correct one....well...
For the time being, AMD needs a direct competitor to RTX 2060. RTX 2060 oced = GTX 1070ti oced = 1080 = Vega 64.
RX 590 cannot compete with this RTX 2060. The price is around 369$ (369€ in Europe). So, unless we get a good AMD card in that range of price with comparable performance.....And i don't see AMD getting that. But we will see.
Not only that but depending on which shops you're looking at, you can pick up the RoG Vega64 for less than the RoG 2060. Given the choice, I'd have the Vega card any day of the week.The 590 is not meant to compete with the 2060. For a start it costs £100 less. Now the 2050? or whatever they call it? yes, that's probably going to be competition.
Vega 56 is what competes with the 2060, given it costs around £40 less than the 2060. I think you will find it's pretty evenly matched, costs £40 less and comes with 3 free games worth £100.
So unless you can't live without RTX and BFV you'd be pretty crazy not to get the 56.
The choice seems so obvious when you cherry pick a deal on Vega and consider the anthem or bfv code you get with 2060 worthless.
Unlike Pascal, Turing has proper Dx12 support as well.Those games that do well on Vega do so because of proper DX12 implementation which you can expect to continue.
As for the last bit? Congratulations, Jen would love you.
Unlike Pascal, Turing has proper Dx12 support as well.
just a few questions.
the cheapest new vega 56 in the biggest retailer in my country is just only 20€ less than an RTX 2060.
With Vega 56 you get 3 games: RE2, Division 2 and Devil may cry 5 i think. With RTX 2060 you can get BFV or Anthem code.
seen a lot of videos of Vega 56 vs RTX 2060. In the majority of games, wins RTX 2060 (except those particularly designed for AMD cards). Some games favour one or the other. but the hole picture is that RTX 2060 is better.
It also has a "new" technology for the future vs obsolete Vega tech. Also Vegas are hotter, less overclockable and much more power hungry than RTX.
the RTX 2060 oced is almost an RTX 2070 stock. I don't know why would you chose a card that is clearly worse than an Nvidia (unless you are in team red for the win) and don't care about any products from the competitors, which seems to be your case.
I would chose, ANY DAY OF THE YEAR an RTX 2060 over a Vega 56.
Your performance assessment is off, 2060 is pretty much 1070 Ti when stock, overclocked it's actually not far off from an overclocked 1080. Whatever benchmarks I've ran I've ended up competing with 1080s and Vega 64s.
Also, I find it odd that you count the AMD bundle's worth at retail price of the games, yet for Nvidia's bundle you include the market price (which should be the value used for both). Similarly, why ignore the better Dx11 performance? It's not like the difference isn't there, even if it's due to driver optimisation and such.
They're both similarly priced and can perform similarly, can't really go wrong with either. If you prefer more VRAM, go Vega, if you prefer Nvidia's gimmicks and lower TDP, go that route. Or just go by your opinion of the company, that's fine too.
Right, now that I am at my PC let me address this post. I don't like leaving things like this unchallenged, as it then becomes truth.
It's still less and performance is about equal, when everything is taken into consideration (IE proper DX12 games, not the tosh we've been given so far). The game bundle is far better, too. So unless you must have RTX which is in a whopping one game then the AMD card is a better deal, IMO.
That you do. So you make up your mind of either one game that is selling for about £20, or you take three worth around £150 to buy new, given two of them have not been launched and will cost £50 at launch. So like I said, the AMD bundle is a better deal.
OK now this is the part where you seem to lack some understanding. 2060 is not better. In games designed for DX12 (and not for AMD like you seem to think) it is pretty much dead even. So it comes back to whether or not you must have RTX (which will never be a household thing, given it is specific to one vendor and one technology) and whether you are brand specific yourself. Which clearly I can see from your post, you are.
No. Just, no. Vega is not obsolete tech, given that the focus on Vega and Fury was *always* DX12. That is why it was left intact, kitchen sink and anchor. So that tech will not be obsolete until we move to DX13, unlucky for some etc. Just because Nvidia have introduced RT does not mean that every game will now only run on RT making everything else obsolete. That's silly.
No, the 2060 is not as fast as a 2070. Not ever. It may come close, but even when overclocked the 2060 offers the same sort of performance as the 1070ti. It is more level with the 1070 at stock. Nvidia are not stupid, nor in the habit of giving anything away any more. All of a sudden people get carried away (like you, there) and assume things. Now people are saying the 2060 is faster than the 1080 and rubbish like that. Not true.
Now as for caring about teams for the win? your last sentence sums that up perfectly. You are clearly dedicated to team green, because you could not consider everything a as a whole to base your purchasing decision on. If you did? you'd have bought the 56.