AMD to release the R9 Fury Nano GPU in August


News Guru
According to AMD's CEO Lisa Su, AMD will be releasing their R9 Fury Nano GPU in August.


Read more on AMD's R9 Fury GPU here.
Id keep the Titan's ;)

Heat noise and of course power use. Then drivers, there are at least three or four games I can't play in SLI as they simply don't support it.

I'm looking for one card :)

Don't forget I run 4k. I looked at a good, honest review and the X was 2% slower overall than the 980ti. And I reckon that will improve with drivers too.
Heat noise and of course power use. Then drivers, there are at least three or four games I can't play in SLI as they simply don't support it.

I'm looking for one card :)

Don't forget I run 4k. I looked at a good, honest review and the X was 2% slower overall than the 980ti. And I reckon that will improve with drivers too.

I would recommend the Fury X and by the time the drivers are more mature I reckon it will literally be neck and neck with a 980 Ti.

It's just a question of waiting for stock now.

When they do come back into stock it will be REALLY hard for me not to get one ^_^