In some ways this makes me happy since AMD is garbage plus they just a bunch of thieves and I can't wait till they finally go under, yet it's never good to not have some sort of market competition.
AMD have been literally right on the heels of Nvidia for years yet cost a lot less minus the Fury X of course.
AMD is far from Garbage, The 290X for example was a powerhouse even compared to the 780 Ti and even 980 at 4K in multi GPU configurations, Kaapstad can attest to that as he has 4 of each.
I've owned the following -
HD-6970 Crossfire-X
R9-Fury X
7600 GS
GTX 580
GTX 590
GTX 680
GTX 780 Ti
GTX 980
GTX 980Ti
*Currently Using*
GTX Titan X
And you know what I've learned in all that time ? Neither are better at everything, You always get 1 side that is better at something and it's always 50/50 with both sides.
Plus remember, If AMD go down the crapper then Nvidia can start charging REALLY stupid high money for their cards.
For example, A 970 will start to be sold at 980 prices, A 980 at 980 Ti prices, A Titan X a good chunk higher, You see where this is going ?
Why would they do this ?
No competition and it would only get worse as time goes on and yearly performance increases would slow down to a crawl as there would be no real need to keep giving consumers big performance increases annually as there's no competition to drive innovation.
No competition equals REALLY bad for you and me i.e the consumer so being happy about this is extremely unwise, If anything you should be worried for the industry as your future GPU upgrade could potentially cost 50% more for exactly the same thing.
As for AMD being thieves, So so so wrong.
AMD were first to market with the following tech -
First to break 1GHZ barrier
1st 110nm GPU's
1st dual x86 CPU
Global Foundries was co-founded by ATI/AMD
1st company to ship GPU's with GDDR5
Developed HBM
1 of the reasons behind DX12 i.e Mantle
And there are many many more, AMD are far from "Thieves".