AMD Radeon Navi GPUs Spotted in MacOS' Latest Update

I think CU counts for MacBooks is definitely most likely, given current MacBooks top out with the 16CU 35W Pro560X it'd fit in neatly, and their iMac Pro's and the like go upto Vega atm iirc, I guess Navi's launch will be almost exactly 3 years after Polaris and these are looking like direct slot in replacements.
I hope Apple adopts Navi as their go to GPU in their hardware. Hell, I'd even go as far as hoping they might adopt Ryzen 3000 as well. Taking them from Intel would be a hell of win for AMD.
Apple have used AMD as their exclusive dGPU manufacturer for over half a decade iirc, around the time the Mac pro dust bin launched, some modern iMac's have Vega based solutions I think, and iirc the R9 285(Earliest desktop revision of the later R9 380) technically launched first in MacBook Pro's, so there's some precedent for Apple being early adopters of AMD GPUs too. Oh, and VegaM is exclusively in Macs atm besides Intel's Hades Canyon G with VegaM chip.

I don't see them ditching Intel though, given they're entirely dependant on Intel's 5G modems to have any chance of 5G support in their mobile devices, gives they've burned all their bridges with Qualcomm, who has been essentially guaranteed to dominate the 5G space with their IP advantage for a while and have hardware in market much earlier. I can't see them switching from Intel chipsets in any of their electronics to be honest.
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