AMD R9 Fury X to be affected by Asetek lawsuit


News Guru
AMD R9 Fury X may soon be affected by an Asetek lawsuit. Right now Cooler Master, the builders of the AMD R9 Fury X's cooler, are expected to pay a 25.375% Royalty fee for all infringing products.

Read more on this Lawsuit and it's implications.
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Pretty sad Asetek sues everyone.. literally everyone. How much different can a liquid cooling solution get? You need a rad, you need a pump, you need tubing, and a contact point for starting the chain. Honestly if it's over the copper cold plate than CM should just call it something else and then "alter" the design.
This is as bad as Apple putting in a patent to own the rights of "A glass staircase" I kid you not, Patent number D478,999 S.
This is as bad as Apple putting in a patent to own the rights of "A glass staircase" I kid you not, Patent number D478,999 S.

These companies don't realize that if you sue and patent everything you do, your only hurting the PC industry and slowing it down because you are decreasing sales as consumers won't pay a 25% royalty fee.. sales go down companies fall then your left alone but no one will pay the outrageous prices so you eventually go down too.
These companies don't realize that if you sue and patent everything you do, your only hurting the PC industry and slowing it down because you are decreasing sales as consumers won't pay a 25% royalty fee.. sales go down companies fall then your left alone but no one will pay the outrageous prices so you eventually go down too.

Exactly, Only hurts the industry.

I can't remember who patented it but someone patented white backgrounds on photos, Ludicrous would be an understatement ^_^
Ahh Asetek.

Quite sad really, as this AIO actually includes a pretty damn good fan. The Card itself is of course also nice.
Maybe if Asetek invested some money into refining their solutions rather than just suing everyone they might actually hold on to a decent share of the market, they should be thankful to Corsair + CoolIT for making it as big as it is today.

Could be the best thing that has happened to AMD and Fiji as it could give AIB partners the chance to build cards with their own coolers. This in turn could give the Fury X a welcome price cut and make it more competitive.
True but IMO AMD should have gone with Asetek like they did for the 295X2 as CM's pumps are hella noisey, Honestly some peoples sounds like a grinder on helium XD

Well Asetek and CoolIT both have loud pumps in my experience. They should use something like small DDCs, more powerful and higher quality. Sure it uses more power to run but it's nothing in comparison to a GPU or CPU.
Well Asetek and CoolIT both have loud pumps in my experience. They should use something like small DDCs, more powerful and higher quality. Sure it uses more power to run but it's nothing in comparison to a GPU or CPU.

True but using such a high quality pump would bump the price up even more for the end user.
True but using such a high quality pump would bump the price up even more for the end user.

Would you rather have a slightly more expensive product that will work the first time or get one and pray it's not crap and go through 3 RMAs? I'd rather have the former. Also using a DDC for all there products could mean simpler designs and therefore reduce cost as parts are being reused. Would probably even out.
Would you rather have a slightly more expensive product that will work the first time or get one and pray it's not crap and go through 3 RMAs? I'd rather have the former. Also using a DDC for all there products could mean simpler designs and therefore reduce cost as parts are being reused. Would probably even out.

Obviously I'd rather the better hardware but with these companies it's not just a small amount more, You know as well as I do that they'd charge a premium because it had a "WC Grade" pump.
But that's all companies problem Greed, whether it's cheap parts, copying parts or just plain well it's better so lets rape them with the price without realizing if they make it better without costing more they will get more sales, baffles the hell out of me really the mentality of people nowadays
This just totally sucks but this is just typical for Asetek they just love suing everyone.

This doesn't make me want to buy anymore Asetek products