Whatsyourproblem's first review boys and girls!
If you want a budget gaming system, does AMD's budget oriented Athlon CPU cut the mustard?
AMD Athlon 860K Black Edition CPU Review
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Aww man, I thought they'd be a better OCer then that :/. Ah well.
'grats WYP on your first review.
Great job wyp! I guess we are going to have more content as we have three reviewers!
The review looks awesome Mark! And so does that Athlon Performance... Although there are much cheaper boards around for a88x
Considering most people are going to buy this chip together with a mid-range graphics card like an R9 270 or 750 Ti for budget gaming builds, I think it's a shame you had none of these cards at hand to test it with. Would've also liked a lot more gaming benchmarks cause, as said, the main purpose of the CPU is budget gaming machines.
Nice write up though!