Adobe Premiere


New member
Hi guys, I'm doing some video editing and I have an issue. When I apply some effects to a video and rump its speed up, it starts seriously lagging and missinig frames. I have a i5 4670, a GTX 970, 8Gb of RAM and a 2Tb Seagate SSHD. Which of these is weak point? I think the hard drive is slowing me down, but I can see that my CPU is also working a lot when I play back the video. What do you think is my problem?
Don't make your system work so hard slow it down a bit as your system isn't exactly a video rendering power house you just need to be a bit more patient and you will probably find that the videos turn out ok if you just slow it down
I meant it slows down when I play it in the project. After I export the file everything is ok. I wonder why does it lagg so badly, I only do 1080p and I put them on 1/4 of the quality to ease it up. I watched some videos of TTL about the intel NVM drive and he said that it is capable of playing 4 4k videos in Premiere, while an SSD only one. Could it be that my HDD cant just keep up with the bandwith requirements of the effects that i put it trough?