I love Adata. In Canada, they're always at the top of the "bang for buck" category. I have an SX8200 (non pro), and it's great. Much cheaper than Samsung, 95% of the performance.
Depends on price. 2100 / 1500 is nothing to sneeze at, and if it's much cheaper than Samsung, a lot of bang-for-buck guys like me will buy it. Yeah you won't get the speed, but is that speed noticeable in anything other than SSD speed bar graphs? Heck, I went from RAID0 SSDs to NVME, and even though the speed is WAY higher, I don't feel that speed difference at all.
Depends on price. 2100 / 1500 is nothing to sneeze at, and if it's much cheaper than Samsung, a lot of bang-for-buck guys like me will buy it. Yeah you won't get the speed, but is that speed noticeable in anything other than SSD speed bar graphs? Heck, I went from RAID0 SSDs to NVME, and even though the speed is WAY higher, I don't feel that speed difference at all.
That's good to know, I am yet to afford and nvme drive although I expect to get one for xmas, maybe I would be better off steering SWIMBO to a larger slower drive than the smaller faster samsung.
If you drop down to the Samsung 960 EVO, it's still $338CDN (on sale though, BIG sale, like old stock blowout sale). So in that particular case, ADATA blows Samsung right out of the water IMO.
I love Adata. In Canada, they're always at the top of the "bang for buck" category. I have an SX8200 (non pro), and it's great. Much cheaper than Samsung, 95% of the performance.
Depends on price. 2100 / 1500 is nothing to sneeze at, and if it's much cheaper than Samsung, a lot of bang-for-buck guys like me will buy it. Yeah you won't get the speed, but is that speed noticeable in anything other than SSD speed bar graphs? Heck, I went from RAID0 SSDs to NVME, and even though the speed is WAY higher, I don't feel that speed difference at all.
The new corsair MP510 series is as fast if not faster than the Samsung 970 series and is much cheaper. No reason to buy Adata with the corsair stuff around.
The new corsair MP510 series is as fast if not faster than the Samsung 970 series and is much cheaper. No reason to buy Adata with the corsair stuff around.
Not where I live. Corsair is right up there with Samsung, $419CDN for their 960GB Force. We get WAY better prices on ADATA. EDIT: either that, or price drops are slower to filter down to us for the bigger names.
Not where I live. Corsair is right up there with Samsung, $419CDN for their 960GB Force. We get WAY better prices on ADATA. EDIT: either that, or price drops are slower to filter down to us for the bigger names.