A Required CD/DVD driver missing Win7 Install


New member
Hey OC3D peeps.
I just built a new system and I'm trying to install windows 7 from a bootable usb. I'm having a really common problem that I've personally had before and solved but this time none of the common solutions seem to be working for me.
I'm getting the "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now.
Once I press ok on that screen I go into a thing where I can "Rescan" or "Browse". I couldn't browse to any drive except the X drive that was like 30mb and had just the basic folders in it. I tried plugging in the main HDD from my old computer and if I select that I can boot into windows there fine and when I boot from the usb and go into installation I can now browse into that disk so if I had any idea what drivers I need to get through that screen I can find them there.
I've tried downloading quite a few of the drivers but when I go into the folders where they are the installer still finds no drivers. Even if I allow non- compatible ones.
I've tried swapping USB ports (that's often the issue) and I've tried using both usb 3 and usb 2 ports on my motherboard.
MB - Asus z170 Pro Gaming
CPU - 6700k
GPU - MSI 1080
SSD - Samsung 950 pro m.2nvme

I'll be watching this thread until I get windows installed so if you have any ideas or need some more info I'll reply pretty quickly.
Either write a DVD with the lowest speed possible then install from that DVD OR do what I do when I come up with this problem. get the drive you want to install windows on and put it in another machine either as a USB drive with an enclosure or internally via sata then use http://www.easyuefi.com/wintousb/ if you have it as a USB drive or
http://www.easyuefi.com/wintohdd/index.html if you have it installed as an internal sata drive

Those tools will use the .iso file of windows 7 and install windows on the drive really easy and fast ;)
Windows 7 does not support M.2 or NVME

Only way around it is acquiring a Win7 disc with LOTS of 'updates' slip streamed or going W10