A helping hand with choosing what colour


New member
I'm nearing the end of my build I just need to put one more order in for a res, coolant and some hose. The hose and coolant is what I'm undecided on, it's out of black, white, clear, or even silver for the hose, and white, black, dark blue, or clear.

So to help me decide, I'm throwing it out to you all to help. I'm using as you can see white fittings, and the coolant is going to be clear for now, and maybe for keeps. I've even considered adding a nice colour into the mix at a later date, maybe a deep translucent blue.

As you can probably tell I'm 100% up in the air with this, one second I'm thinking clear hose, with clear coolant, then White hose, with clear coolant, then it's this and then it's that. The more I'm thinking about it, the more I like the idea of clear tube, with deep translucent blue.

Please help guys. If it helps the res is going to be mounted to the front rad.

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Post a pic in the OP so there is some context buddy ;)

Personally I don't see the point in colored coolant unless you have clear blocks, just get colored pipe. Why did you say blue though I thought your only accent was red? Anyway I don't particularly like clear pipe and coolant, tends to look a bit dirty. Also don't like gloss black pipe so would go either white or a translucent blue/red with clear coolant. I really like the look of matt black pipe like a H100i but perhaps that's rather an acquired taste.

Clear, it is underused and the other colors are used by all the kids. Set yours apart from the rest with clean simple elegant clear.
Post a pic in the OP so there is some context buddy ;)

Personally I don't see the point in colored coolant unless you have clear blocks, just get colored pipe. Why did you say blue though I thought your only accent was red? Anyway I don't particularly like clear pipe and coolant, tends to look a bit dirty. Also don't like gloss black pipe so would go either white or a translucent blue/red with clear coolant. I really like the look of matt black pipe like a H100i but perhaps that's rather an acquired taste.


I was editing the post as you spoke mate, picture is now added. :D

I was thinking about matte black, as I've tried black before, and didn't like the shine. I've got white here, but it seems to be a lot thinner in diameter than the clear version.( Primochill advanced LRT ) I use the same config as Tom 1/2 barbs with 7/16 tube but the white looks odd between the fittings almost too stretched. If I decide on white I might try the 1/2, 3/4, to see if it scales OK to be the right size.

If I were to go clear tube, and coolant, what is the clearest tube ? From looking online the clear/UV blue looks to be clearer than regular clear, or even Tygon ?
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I would stay away from clear tubing personally. I have had bad experiences with the tubes discolouring and adopting a yellow tinge. It may have been cheap tubing that was the problem but i dont trust it any more. Also it makes it more prone to algae growth if it is exposed to light. I like the contrast of block tubing with white fittings. I would keep the coolant clear for ease of maintenance though.
Good luck
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I've just tried a few runs with the white, and it looks a bit much, too many different shades of white. Red isn't an option mate, I've got a serious disliking of red in builds,IMOH, it's been done to death. it's looking like it is going to be black, or blue.
I've just tried a few runs with the white, and it looks a bit much, too many different shades of white. Red isn't an option mate, I've got a serious disliking of red in builds,IMOH, it's been done to death. it's looking like it is going to be black, or blue.

i understand with the red mate, black would look cool!
For some reason I keep coming back to blue, but a real deep translucent blue.

So I made a decision, I ended up going for clear hose, and for the coolant blue, but not any blue, the Aurora 2 blue, I'm hoping that with it having an almost silver shimmer to it, it will bring it all together nicely. And it was the closest I could find to the blue I wanted, and as and when the shimmer dies down, the blue should be perfect, as I've heard after a while the shimmer effect looses it's effect, leaving just the base colour, if this is true I don't no, either way, it's the perfect colour.
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So a couple of hours ago my coolant and hose, was delivered, and I'm chuffed to bits I decided to go with the clear hose, and the Aurora 2 blue, as the Aurora is simply stunning, I ordered a blue die, as I thought it wouldn't be dark enough but it's perfect.

I'm glad I decided to add a bit of colour into the mix, as the black white, and touch of silver is nice, it was a bit like chips with no salt and vinegar, a bit bland. Going this route with it having a silvery shimmer to the blue, it ties it all together nicely. If it looks like I'm expecting it to when it's complete, I think I'll add blue to my cables when the misses loosens the purse strings again.

Aurora looks amazing that's for sure, I'll be interested to see how the new version performs over the long term. I have one of those Primochill flow indicators and it's been great for about a year but now the spinner seems jammed (the coolant is still flowing normally), and I've just put my loop back together too so I won't be able to sort it for ages :(
I've only had to use the flow indicator because of the res location, I needed to step the tube up about half an inch. I have had really bad luck with pumps, so having a visual indicator is reassuring, it's either that or an uber loud pump. Lol..
Let us know how long the Aurora will last in the system, as if it is long lasting then it could be a winner!

Do you have and bleedports in your loop?
A nice shade of blue you got there! And the rig looks uber nice. I would've recommended clear liquid with blue leds highlighting it, but I guess I'm biased to my own build. Where are you going to mount the res?
Ahh Paul that blue is a really nice touch mate, if you're set on adding some to the cables aswel, I would stick to literally a pinstripe of it as it will really stand out then. Anyway more pics when it's fully up an running please mate
Yes mate, that's all I was thinking just the one blue cable on each row, just to bring it all together. Give me a few hours and this baby will be up and running.