A German Court has Ruled that AdBlock is Entirely Legal


News Guru
In case it was in doubt, German Court has Ruled that AdBlock is Entirely Legal. They have also urged content creators to "develop new forms of non-intrusive ads that are actually useful and welcomed by users". What are your thoughts?


Read more on the legality of AdBlock here.
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Hardly ridiculous considering one of Google's statements about AdBlock being used against YouTube ads was that's it's unlawful and should be removed as it hurts ad revenue.

If you support that then yikes :eek:

I personally can't stand ads hence AdBlock is always on.
Hardly ridiculous considering one of Google's statements about AdBlock being used against YouTube ads was that's it's unlawful and should be removed as it hurts ad revenue.

If you support that then yikes :eek:

I personally can't stand ads hence AdBlock is always on.

Even here Dice? :sad:
I also think adblock should be illegal. Websites should be sensible with how they implement ads and their popularity should reflect their discretion.

I really think they should be legally required to implement a policy where only sites which the user specifies should have ads blocked.

TBH, how can a user know to whitelist a site if they have never seen if their ads are suitable or not.
It is a difficult problem.
I can't disagree with that decision. Some sites are horrible to visit and this makes the public use software like Adblock. It should be allowed as long as sites do not learn to use proper ads. Like here on OC3D - one of not many sites where ads aren't flashing in your face.

I don't even use Adblock but I would want to use software to block all ads on specific sites because most of the time they are so irritating >_>

Anyone knows software that blocks ads on specific sites? I've been asking all around and searched google but can't find anything of the sort.
I can't disagree with that decision. Some sites are horrible to visit and this makes the public use software like Adblock. It should be allowed as long as sites do not learn to use proper ads. Like here on OC3D - one of not many sites where ads aren't flashing in your face.

I don't even use Adblock but I would want to use software to block all ads on specific sites because most of the time they are so irritating >_>

Anyone knows software that blocks ads on specific sites? I've been asking all around and searched google but can't find anything of the sort.

I would really like to use something similar. With all my news hunting I have to go through so many full page cover ads, audio ads and everything else.
Anyone knows software that blocks ads on specific sites? I've been asking all around and searched google but can't find anything of the sort.

Adblock. You can have it turned off for specific domains (e.g. I have mine disabled on anything from '.overclock3d.net'). In terms of youtube I tend to pause it on channels that I like that I'm not already supporting through other monetery means.
I use ublock and only whitelist websites I trust and often use, I think websites should tone down on ads, its getting out of control.
Even here Dice? :sad:


Well, I am so used to mine being always on, that I never even thought of that, but never fear, your sad smiley has convinced me. ^_^

It's easy to white list a specific domain. :)

The reason why I always have it on; is simply because of some that have integrated sound that can't wait to make you deaf, perhaps one should sue them for such a blast into ones eardrums? Not every audio file has the same volume level... So for example, if I listened to music at a reasonable volume and decide to visit a website while listening music... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Also, adds that are too busy while you are reading and yes, I see a few here on OC3D that are.

The add/adds that is right next to the Overlock3D.net logo, is obtrusive and annoyingly positioned, it even blocks out the OC3D logo Watermark in the back. The adds on the right "Inside" of the light blue area are also annoying. :sad:

The adds in the black area are non-intrusive to me, as well as the add at the bottom center of the page. So, basically what I am saying, any add within the reading area, is just too much in ones face and a no no. :cool:

Just my opinion. Don't know if anyone else will agree.
I also think adblock should be illegal. Websites should be sensible with how they implement ads and their popularity should reflect their discretion.


Why illegal ? Are you against freedom ?

Having the option of not having ads thrown at you or every time you watch a video on YT having to skip through ads is a god send as ads are getting more and more intrusive.
No you are free to visit whatever website you want. And designers are free to make their website however they choose. Adblock takes away part of the latter freedom.


People should have the freedom to choose to block ads if they want to though.

If you force intrusive ads onto people everytime they visit your site then it's going to lose traffic.

It's fine if they're not intrusive, That I have no beef with but intrusive ads just annoy the hell out of me.
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