Well, I am so used to mine being always on, that I never even thought of that, but never fear, your sad smiley has convinced me. ^_^
It's easy to white list a specific domain.
The reason why I always have it on; is simply because of some that have integrated sound that can't wait to make you deaf, perhaps one should sue them for such a blast into ones eardrums? Not every audio file has the same volume level... So for example, if I listened to music at a reasonable volume and decide to visit a website while listening music... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Also, adds that are too busy while you are reading and yes, I see a few here on OC3D that are.
The add/adds that is right next to the Overlock3D.net logo, is obtrusive and annoyingly positioned, it even blocks out the OC3D logo Watermark in the back. The adds on the right "Inside" of the light blue area are also annoying. :sad:
The adds in the black area are non-intrusive to me, as well as the add at the bottom center of the page. So, basically what I am saying, any add within the reading area, is just too much in ones face and a no no.
Just my opinion. Don't know if anyone else will agree.