980 G1 Coil Whine


New member
Hey Guys Recently my Gigabyte 980 G1 has started to develop Coil Whine in games Dying light which i played last night.... my god was it loud over even my sound bar! I've never noticed it before or if i have its been loads quieter.

Happens even with Vsync on @60fps and gets worse if I push the card :/ temps are fine on the card, doesn't appear to be the fans as I ramped them up on the desktop and its fine, don't think its the psu as I took the side panel off and appears to be the card :(

I got it from ebuyer about 3/4 months ago is there still a possibility to RMA it as its Excessive, don't mind a little coil whine but this is ridiculously loud and I dont get why vsync/60fps cap doesn't help it any Ideas? Or is there a way to wear it in/force it to calm down
I'd get onto ebuyer first, and arrange an RMA process, they are pretty good but keep them on their toes by checking up on your card periodically.
also go into detail with them about what game you are playing etc and the specs of your rig I have had a few issues with them but if they know that you are not "pardon me" a noob they should be ok