80mm or 60mm rad ?


New member
Hallo dear people.

My project "Fatboss Goes Toxic" is going to have some change going on here in the next weeks. But i have one thing i will like to ask you all, it is on the watercooling site. Not sure my self, so why not ask here :D

My plan is to change the case to the "Fractal Define R5 Black or white", but i will like to hear if a 360mm rad normal size 60mm will be okay to two 780 and my Intel Core i5-4670K or do i need to move up to the BIG daddy size 80mm ?

Kind Regards,

Christian "Etlar" Hesselberg
Changing the thickness wont really make a huge difference without higher flowing fans tbh.

I think a 360 monster thick would look a bit silly in the roof of the R5 too
The plan is to have it in the front, whit a D5 pump mount to it dear TTL :)

That way i can keep it clean insite the case and also make the hose to look alot better. If my plan works out like i will have them to :D
One thing to consider is that the monsta holds loads of coolant! In my case probably more than the rest of the loop including the res, not that it's a problem but it does make it very heavy. I had exactly the right amount of room for it so it worked out nicely and along with the other ST30 and 12x SP120's at ~600RPM they chuck a fair amount of heat away very quietly.

I have the same configuration as Orca pretty much, fills out the case nicely.

You do mean that you will have two 360's for an i5 and two 780's right? Just one won't cut it at all without stupid fan speeds.

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The plan is to have one 360 rad, but if that is not good, then i need to move to new case and that suck balls. Have order the R5 home and it is on the way. But can send it back and go whit the Corsair 780T, but i do like the R5 ALOT more.
The plan is to have one 360 rad, but if that is not good, then i need to move to new case and that suck balls. Have order the R5 home and it is on the way. But can send it back and go whit the Corsair 780T, but i do like the R5 ALOT more.

Why can't you fit two 360's in an R5 :eek: I would honestly reccomend two 360's as a minimum, if your only gonna run half that you may as well stay on air.

Why can't you fit two 360's in an R5 :eek:


Like TTL says in hes movie on the R5 there is not room to get two 360's in the case, there will not be room in the right top cornor. But in my mind, there will be room. But can first check it 100 % when i get it. But i trust TTL on this point, he had the case before the rest of us normal deadly people :P
In the R5 I would use a XTX 360 or similar in the roof and a XTX 240 in the front - both in push/pull. I would say that would be good enough to cool a 2 x 780´s and a 4670k.

I have now a thin rs360 in push and a XTX 240 in push/pull + 120 xt in pull (yes.. yes I know...) and I get great temps: OC at 4.4 at 1.239 V + 780 I get a delta temps of 27.55c Give or take. I would say that adding another 780 to the loop would not be too bad.
1x 360 and 1 x 240 should be fine. Its what I used for the same setup 2 780s OC and 3570k.

I also get great temps with SP120 fans on 40%. (dunno why you would want a third 780 though unless I misread)
What about a 420 and a 280, assuming there is a 140mm fan that you like that would give a nice increase in frontal area.

I can't believe it doesn't fit two 360's but yeah I guess it is 100mm shorter than a 750D. Obviously 2 PCI slots are gone and maybe the feet aren't quite as tall but where have they lost the other ~40mm, above the motherboard?

What about a 420 and a 280, assuming there is a 140mm fan that you like that would give a nice increase in frontal area.

I can't believe it doesn't fit two 360's but yeah I guess it is 100mm shorter than a 750D. Obviously 2 PCI slots are gone and maybe the feet aren't quite as tall but where have they lost the other ~40mm, above the motherboard?

The problem with 420 rads in the top of the r5 is that you can only fit a skinny 30mm unit as the case just doesn't have enough width. Is the compromise worth it? probably. But a 60/80mm in the front with a tiny 30mm in the top would look ridiculous.