780 to 980ti - an itch worth scratching?


New member
Hi, got a bog-standard reference 780 that use via DVDI-D to play BF4, GTA V and a few others at 120Hz on a 1920x1080 display. Since the 980ti came out I've got this very strong urge to get one, can't fully say every reason why, just have this 'itch' I want to scratch. I know as a GPU it's designed to really make a difference at higher resolutions but do you think it'll be worth it on at my resolution? I do like a >60fps frame rate and I know my 780 can't always keep up with my display - what do you think guys?
personal Opinion - at 1080p, not worth the upgrade.
combine an upgrade later on when you are ready to move up your display as well. At that time, you might get Nvidia's next archietecture with 8gb vram or something.
Definitely no, if you really need that extra juice, just grab a 780 for cheap and hold out till the <28nm cards.

If you tried to sell your 780, you would barely get enough for 1/3 of the cost of a 980ti.
Well from my POV if you were only concerned about 60hz then yes, keep your 780. But since you mentioned 120hz. I'm like you and love the high frames and the smoothness with or without Gsync. I'd say go for it. Even the reference design 980Ti is immense.