6700k vs 6600k


New member
Im building a new rig at the moment, ive got the GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 ordered and it comes with 8gb free so I don't need to worry about ram for now its the cpu like most people we want the best we can get but im thinking is it really worth it for me, as all I do with my rig is game so it comes down to should I pay the extra money for the 6700k or save and get the 6600k,any help would be great .

Whats left over from the old rig that will go in the new one.

Psu Corsair AX860i

Videocard EVGA Titan x sc

Cpu cooler Corsair H110i GT

HD Samsung EVO 850 500GB
I would say go for the i7 if you got the spare cash. You never know if you'll need hyperthreading at some point.
what game will you be playing?

some games are putting i7's as a recommended system requirement, so it really comes down to the games your playing and what you have running in the background.

for what it's worth, i would sell the titan x and get gtx 980ti and use the money you got left for the i7.
World of warships at the moment,nope not going to sell the Titan x sc as I did a trade with a new 980ti a few months back plus cash for it the 12gb of ram will see me through for a while and it runs sweet with the ASUS MG 279Q, its just the cpu that I need to sort im not bothered if I have to pay the extra £100 for the 6700k if I need to.
Im building a new rig at the moment, ive got the GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 ordered and it comes with 8gb free so I don't need to worry about ram for now its the cpu like most people we want the best we can get but im thinking is it really worth it for me, as all I do with my rig is game so it comes down to should I pay the extra money for the 6700k or save and get the 6600k,any help would be great .

Whats left over from the old rig that will go in the new one.

Psu Corsair AX860i

Videocard EVGA Titan x sc

Cpu cooler Corsair H110i GT

HD Samsung EVO 850 500GB

If you're just doing gaming then the i5 6600k will be more than enough. Unless you plan on doing stuff that will take advantage of hyper-threading on the i7 6700k.

With DX12 on the horizon grab the 6700k as it will give a bigger boost with the new API.

Don't sell the SC Titan X as what you get for it will barely cover the cost of a new GTX 980 Ti which is a slower lower speced card. Also in a years time the Titan X will have a much higher second hand value than a used GTX 980 Ti.
I would also go with the i5 and add another 8GB of memory, just because GTA V seems to love sitting at 9GB, obviously thats an upgrade that could come later when you know if its needed or not. I've never seen a game get remotely close to being CPU limited on any of my rigs (4440, 4690k and 4820k).

World of warships at the moment,nope not going to sell the Titan x sc as I did a trade with a new 980ti a few months back plus cash for it the 12gb of ram will see me through for a while and it runs sweet with the ASUS MG 279Q, its just the cpu that I need to sort im not bothered if I have to pay the extra £100 for the 6700k if I need to.

ah i thought you got the titan x from new and not swapped :P

yeah if you want the best and not bothered buying the i7 then do that, but it's not needed to run games.
Dam its a bit of a mixed bag,will need to do some reading :)

Let me sum it up for you!

Traditional wisdom: i5 since games often either do not make use of hyoerthreading or simply don't require the extra performance. For years we have been GPU not CPU limited.

With dx12 on the horizon we are expecting a large number of games to be able to make use of the extra threads over the coming years. Some recent games such as Fallout 4 are recommending i7s but I very much doubt whether it is 'needed' however time will tell for sure.

If all games in the future require an i7 then most gamers will be priced out of the market so I very much doubt developers would want that. I expect the quad core i5 to be the games choice for several years yet for this reason.
To be blunt, if your happy paying the extra for the i7, go for it. The important thing is you will not lose anything having the i7, however newer games that are on the horizon are starting to take advantage of theoretical cores so will likely give longer life as a CPU. So if your happy paying the extra corn for it, it is the obvious route to go.
Out of curiousity are you replacing your RIVBE with a skylake board?


Yes mate I am,almost all the parts in the box where never used inc the asus overclocking panel and ill only ever have one videocard installed so it was a waste for me buying one in the first place tbh,and like us all I fancy a wee change plus the Gigabyte board has a 4 year warranty so that's nice :)
If you don't really mind spending extra for the I7 then I say buy that. If you'd rather save money since you are also getting a board then just get the i5, either way you can not go wrong whatsoever