4690k overclock


New member
Hi guys i finaly got my aio cooler (h100i gtx) and i started overclocking my cpu (4690k).i got it to 4.5ghz at 1.25 volts.everything looks stable but when i run occt the test stops at 11 minutes and says that there was an error detected.but the stystem doesnt crush.cinibench runs just fine.i tried occt 4 times and every time it stops at 11 minute mark.except occt what else can i use to check if the oc is stable?or should i raise the volts more.my temps are good 62 celcius max under load at 1.25 volts.any advice is welcome cause i am new at cpu overclocking
Prime95 is normally recommended bro - its free and gives your system a good work out well in excess of everyday gaming etc
I would avoid the use of Prime 95. All it does is put a dummy load on the CPU. I have passed hours and hours of Prime, then seen crashes in real life situations like BF3.

If you want a real test that puts real loads using real software on your rig I would try out Asus Realbench. This uses real software apps (one at a time, then all at once) to test your rig. The real test will be the Heavy Multitasking test, so I would watch your temps very carefully during that time.


The download link is there :)
Hi guys i finaly got my aio cooler (h100i gtx) and i started overclocking my cpu (4690k).i got it to 4.5ghz at 1.25 volts.everything looks stable but when i run occt the test stops at 11 minutes and says that there was an error detected.but the stystem doesnt crush.cinibench runs just fine.i tried occt 4 times and every time it stops at 11 minute mark.except occt what else can i use to check if the oc is stable?or should i raise the volts more.my temps are good 62 celcius max under load at 1.25 volts.any advice is welcome cause i am new at cpu overclocking

Did you work your way up to 4.5Ghz? Did you bench between steps?

You need to work your way to your final OC as you will see what your CPU needs to keep it stable. Is the OC stable at 4.4Ghz on OCCT? By benching as you go, it will also show any software issues including driver incompatibilities before making assumptions that you need more volts or to change multiplier/FSB etc. I can only assume that your rig was running fine at stock values.

Remember, synthetic benchmarks don't give a 100% accurate stability test. As previously mentioned, you can be 100% stable under OCCT yet a game will bring nothing but blue screens. This is down to the way game engines use the cores/threads in a very erratic and often uneven manor in comparison to benchmarks. A good example of this is my CPU @4.6Ghz which can be bench stable, yet 5 minutes into GTA V, guaranteed instability and blue screens.

So as you can see, not a simple yes/no answer. Ultimately, increasing your voltage will stabilise your OC on the condition that is what is causing the error, but on the flip side could do nothing but cause more heat with no gains.
Guys thank u very much for the answers.i got it stable at 4.7 1.31 volts.i also used intel burn test intel xtu and aida 64 the trial version.no time to game yet though but weekend is close.an open world game like witcher 3 and gta v is good to test stability right?any other thoughts are welcome.
P.s.ye i worked my way up to that point.
P.s.2 do i need to change my cashe ratio?many ppl say to clock it 300-400 mhz lower than the cpu to improve stability.mine is set to auto.btw my mobo is asus maximus vii hero.