4690k aio sugestions!


New member
Hello guys.i am going to watercool my 4690k before starting to mess around with the clocks.i think that i am gonna use the corsair h100igtx.will it fit in my case? (Nzxt h440)i wanna use corsair fans for the radiator to match the red black theme witch ones shoud i pick and how should i set them?the radiator will be mounted on the top of the case and i want the fans at the bottom of the radiator so they can be seen.all sugestions are wellcome
Yes it will fit. Plenty of people here have done it in the H440. You may want to check clearance for ram or heatsinks depending on your motherboard.

Pushing the air out with the fans under the radiator will give you one or two degrees hotter CPU which is hardly noticeable but it will mean that cool air is coming in the front over your GPU and exhausting out the top. I have mine set up the same way in a different case.
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Yes it will fit. Plenty of people here have done it in the H440. You may want to check clearance for ram or heatsinks depending on your motherboard.

Pushing the air out with the fans under the radiator will give you one or two degrees hotter CPU which is hardly noticeable but it will mean that cool air is coming in the front over your GPU and exhausting out the top. I have mine set up the same way in a different case.
What fans are u using for tha radiator and what for the rear exhaust?
I've used the h100i in the past and it gets the job done really well on my 4670k. The good thing is you can tweak the fans rpm as the stock fans can get pretty loud even at 1200 rpm (well imo anyway :>).
What fans are u using for tha radiator and what for the rear exhaust?

It comes with fans so you can just use those. However I would advise investing in better fans as personally I found them too loud above 1000rpm. I bought some gentle typhoon AP14 1450rpm versions and at 12v they are quiter, push more air, higher static pressure. Dropped quite a bit in temps because of the switch. However GT's are kinda hard to come by these days. EK have some Vardar fans that could be worth trying. Just don't buy corsair fans.. they are all overrated(imo):p
I have the EK Vardar F3 1850 rpm fans on my 240 mm I cant rate them enough they are whisper quiet in my rig, do their job well on my overclocked 4690K and well worth their money :)
Guys i ll buy corsair fans because of the looks.i ll get 2 sp120 pwm for the radiator but which should i get for the exhaust?