350W antec for low-end SLI setup


New member
ok i need some opinions on if 350W will run this system overclocked a little bit (might take the processor up to 2.4)


two 7300GTs

one HD

512meg ram

A8N sli mobo

no optical drives [lol please do not ask]

i was planning on getting a 400W but the store did not have on in and i really wanted to get started >.<

it is antec smart power 350W and 7300GTs are pretty low power consumption cards plus i do not plan on upgrading the comp much in the near future. do you think there would be any reason with my current set up to upgrade to 400W [i am really on a budget here :o ]

oh yeah the only usb devices i will be using is a keybord/mouse and an externally powered hard drive.

in my mobo manual is says that 350 is fine for a "low end sli setup", the one they state there is pretty much the same as mine only they have a CD drive and two 6600s insead of 7300s...i assume a 6600 would use more power than a 7300.
It *should* work ok considering you are using a reputable brand PSU. However, scraping the bottom of the barrel in the power department can give problems I'd advise picking up a 480w-500w PSU (Antec, Silverstone, Tagan, OCZ...etc).
yeah i guess...i just cannot justify speding more money on a PSU...when i am only running one HD...NO optical drives only 1 stick of 512 ram and two fairly low power consumption graphics cards unless it will actually be unstable...plus i do not really plan on upgrading anything in the near future. but if you really think that my system will not be stable on this 350W antec...would a 400W antec be enough? or will i really need 480-500W for this setup?

thanks again to the OC3d community for your help :D :) ;)
A 400w Antec should give you a bit more headroom. Stretch your budget as far as you can, because the PSU is possibly one of the most important factors in a solid running PC.
to give a hint of what might be needed, im running my setup(check my profil for info) of an antec truepower S 380w, it has 18a 12v and have no problems whatsever with instability or jumpy V.

both the cpu and gpu is overclocked.

gpu stock speed is 400mhz and uses 70w in 3dmode and i have it to 475mhz.

the smartpower is dualrail 10a+15a however its limited as all 3 mainrails shares power.


but i agree with above people, a bigger is better.

there comes a day when you want more powerfull gfx cards which uses more power.
No problem using a Good 350 to run it. I have messed around with 2 pairs of 7600s (GS and GT) in SLI. The 7600 only uses 32 watts (a X1800 is like 220watts)

Now with ur mobo and not a lot of fans/lights and such it should run fine.

Others are right in its better too much than too little for a PS, and I also think the PS lasts longer, Runs more stable and cooler when ur not forcing it.

PS:I ran my CrossFire comp on a 400watt Silverstone with the 3 fans 2 lights H20, 7600GT SLI, 2 Hdds in Raid0 and had my Opty OCd to 2750 for a few weeks no probs.