280x Lightning and nzxt hoover


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290x Lightning and nzxt hoover

Hi people,
tomorrow I am ordering new gfx card, my budget is up to £320(covers all 970, 290x) I am replacing msi 270x. I'm thinking about one of these:

MSI Radeon R9 290X LE Lightning Edition 4096MB £281.99
MSI Radeon R9 290X Gaming Edition 8192MB £299.99
OcUK GeForce GTX 970 "NVIDIA 970 Cooler Edition" - nVidia refference cooler £299.99
KFA2 GeForce GTX 970 OC Silent "Infin8 Black Edition" 4096MB £289.99

Case: H440
PSU 650W Corsair RM

i dont play any single player games that are usually in reviews :) card will be used for COD:AW, WOW, LOL on 1440p or 29 inch super wide. I'm just afraid that 290x will be like a hoover on my table, since i play with speakers 90% of the time. 8Gb sounds tempting but i don't think that it will be any use for my games.

I Would have bought 970 few weeks back but now after all that fuss it kinda looks broken and if it will be replaced by some 975 in months time ill be heartbroken and will cry like a little girl. But at the same time 3.5GB is probably 2GB more than my games need, and its super efficient and runs cool.

Msi 290x Lightning is my favourite but 650W and h440.. please help to chose :)
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The 290X Lightning gets my vote for the money especially if you like it. The custom nVidia reference 970 would be my second choice. I doubt you will have power issues with any single GPU card.

I'd go with that 290x Lightning. Its the cheapest and easily overclockable to be the fastest card out of the list. Also happens to be the best 290x money can buy. 8GB cards aren't really worth the money over a 290x Lightning when they offer worse performance and cooling. You won't get near 8GB with worse performance:p
Just hope it aint gonna make my desktop too loud. Just got aoc 29" to go along new card ;) £150 pounds ;)
Just hope it aint gonna make my desktop too loud. Just got aoc 29" to go along new card ;) £150 pounds ;)

Not all 290x's are loud.. Lightning is probably the most quiet. People need to stop stereotyping that all 290/290x cards are loud.. most 3rd party cards are just as quiet as Nvidia cards..
Ended up buying 970 Reference cooler :) Should be in my hands at the end of next week. My next build will be in Parvum case, so i thought that reference cooler will be way better than 290 with its extreme heat output in to the case. Almost same price, and since i only play non demanding games, i will still get same performance. Now im using i5 integrated graphics and still get 100+fps in league of legends :)
Great selection of cards you have looked at, l run a KFA2 GeForce GTX 970 OC Silent "Infin8 Black Edition" and does what l need :)

Great choice going for the Reference blower, cracking looking card.