2 new PC builds and other questions, help please :(


Active member
Hello people, I'm Chrazey! :)

I'm new to this forum after watching a few of OC3D TV's youtube videos.
And I thought I would post here as it seemed like a good place to post, specially after viewing other threads on here, and hopefully to get thoughts, recommendations and feedback.

I know that many of you will ask regarding a budget, and I can't say exactly what my budget is, as these are just build plans. But if I say this, even though it's a very hard scenario, but to keep it as "high end" as possible, to the lowest reasonable price.

I would also like to ask a big favor of you, if you do reply to this thread... I'd like to ask you to write down a/the reason or why you've chosen or recommend the specific component.

Although I do know the basic in building a PC etc, due to I've built my current PC, although that was about 2 years ago, so I'm a bit rusty now.
I would still like to have some advice, suggestions, recommendations etc.

So this one should act as my "main" rig, for gaming (mainly) but also for video and photo editing (Sony vegas, photoshop), music etc.

Intel i7 4770 or 4970
Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB (Blue light bars)
1 or 2 x ASUS R9 290 / XFX R9 290(X)
Corsair 180 or 240GB SSD
Western Digital 3TB for recording purposes etc
Corsair 860i PSU
Corsair Obsidian 350D windowed version or Fractal Design Arc Mini R2
ASUS 24" VG248QE (Gaming), ASUS 24" PA248Q/PA249Q (Photoshop/Photo editing) and an 17" or 19" (Other things, such as Teamspeak etc) monitor(s).


1: GPU: I'm not entirely sure about which graphics card, as on Logan's video regarding the XFX R9 290, it seemed to run impressively quiet and cool, meanwhile maintaining resonable performance (unless he was joking).
Plus it just looks so awesome!

So which one would you recommend out of those 2?

2. GPU: In the Arc Mini R2, there are only 2 pci slots, do you people think that running a dual graphics card configuration would or wouldn't work, due to they might be too tight to each other?...

3. Motherboard: The only "concern" that I have here is about the small fan inside the back of the IO.
Does the motherboard really need it?

4. The case: I've thought of having the front dual 120's as intakes, top as exhaust and the rear as an intake, with dust filter (positive pressure inside the case, after Logan's tip/recommendation in one of his videos).
Is this a good overlay or what are your thoughts/recommendations?

5. CPU Cooler: I've been on the search after an 360mm sealed liquid cooler.
Something like the Corsair H100i, only it's an 360 rad.
I know that Fractal Design has their S36 one... but with any "new" company, that isn't really that known for their watercooling, I'm getting a bit off...
I know that Swiftech also has (and they are a well regarded water cooling company,as far as I know), their H320 and their H2O Edge HD, if I'm not mistaken.

Although, they seem very hard to get hold on... you guys know any?...

6. Fans: But what/which kind of fans should I use?... Noctua Industrial fans, BitFenix Spectre Pro (Blue LED ones) or Silverstone Air Penetrator, or which ones?...

7. PSU: How big would you guys recommend on the PSU?, is 860W too much/overkill or is it plenty for this one?...

I want to thank anyone in advance for taking your time and effort in replying and helping me out with this.
As I said above, I have built my current system, but I am still not that good at it.


Kind regards,
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I'll try to answer everything. But in the future you need to keep it simple and brief. TBH i first saw this and said oh what the **** is this. Making everything long and dense is not a good way to get help. Really all you need is build,what its for, OC or no OC, budget, and things you need(such as big harddrvies).

Main Rig:
Really quick.. Ya drop down the 16GB of ram. Save a lot of money. If you ever need more just buy another 2x 8GB sticks.

1: GPU: Asus coolers suck on the 290/290x. Avoid. Stick with XFX/Sapphire Tri-X or even Powercolor cards.

2. GPU in Arc Mini R2: Its a M-ATX case. Fitting 2 290/290x's card is just asking for trouble. You will need only one. They will overheat(well mainly the top one).

3. Motherboard: MSI Z97M-G43. Blue and black like your color scheme. You won't be OC'ing so no need to go high end. Its got the looks and got good features for you too.

4. The case( Arc Mini R2): Have 120's in the front as intakes. 120 in the rear as intake(dust filter as you said) and top 140 as exhaust.

5. CPU Cooler:Switftech products are near impossible for the US. Ran into some Patent law issue with Asetek and now can not sell in the US. AFAIK its unresolved. You don't need a 360 Aio for 2 reasons. First your not OC'ing no point in taking up all that space and making it difficult and second, mine as well invest in a custom loop at that rate.

6. Fans: Subjective and up to you. Corsair fans are overrated imo(i have a pair not impressed on 12v or even 7v) Noctua are expensive and very personal due to colors. If its for case then get something that has more blades, creates more CFM. For rads get something with less but thicker blades, creates more static pressure.

7. PSU: For a single 290/290x and an i7? 650 will do you fine. You don't OC so no need for an 850. If you really are concerned just get a 750 then.

For the TV rig i don't see a point in keeping everything but getting a different mobo and a new psu. I would just keep it. Not really worth the trouble in trying to find a m-atx mobo.
Wow dude... in all honesty here, I'm literally speechless. Thank you dude!.

And yes, I do apologize for the masssive post, I realize now that I've should've kept it in 2 seperate threads, compact and straight forward.

Although, some ?...

GPU: Which should I go for then?, the XFX R9 290 Dual Dissipation or the Sapphire R9 290 4GB Vapor-X?. I quite like the Sapphire one, due to the black and blue color scheme and the massive cooler with 3 fans, I assume better cooling?...

Motherboard: Well you were spot on on that one! Holy b*llz, that is one good looking one!
So the ASUS Gryphoon is not an option then?...

CPU Cooler: Ohh okay, did not know that regarding the law issue etc. Although I do live in Sweden :P, might be a surprise (for being such a dumba** to write a university essay about this) :P.
So I'll just stick with an Corsair H100i then or?...

Fans: Yeah, SP Static Pressure for rads and airflow for open environments. I've seen the Antec True Quiet Pro UFO that just looks absolutely fantastic, use it as the intakes, but not really sure about it's performance.
You know any blue led airflow fans that has like an "direct airflow path", like the Silverstone Air Penetrator?...

PSU: 650w is enough then?... stupid one, but what do you mean regarding "if you really are concerned just get an 750 then"?
What kind then, Corsair, XFX, Silverstone.... ? What do you recommend, keeping in mind modular, black cables or black/blue ones :)

TV rig: True that, although it's waaay to huge though, as it's an Corsair Vengeance C70 case.
I want something like the Corsair 380T or Corsair Obsidian 250D, a bit tiny case that is perfect as a tv rig imo. I'm just not sure at all on the motherboard though, since it has to be an mini ITX board and preferably an black/blue one, due to the scheme and my sapphire 6950 is black with an blue-ish backplate.

Just want to say thanks again so much for the reply dude!, really appreciate it and you've helped me alot in the thinking, planning and component wise of the builds.
Thanks! :)
XFX R9 290 Dual Dissipation or the Sapphire R9 290 4GB Vapor-X? Well the Vapor-X/Tri-X are the best air cooled 290/290s with the only other better cooler being the MSI 290x Ligthning. The XFX DD and powercolor PCS+ are both very good but are a tad behind the other 2.

It's only an option if you like it. I would rather get the MSI board i mentioned. Prettier and is what you were looking for.

CPU Cooler:
Ya i forgot to mention which one to get lol. Since you live in Sweden you could possibly get the Swifttech 360 AIO. That's up to you and gotta do your own research to make sure everything will fit. Could get a H100i but i would opt for a H105. Better cooling which means you can run slower fans on it = more quiet.

Corsair's blue LED fans are very nice. Cougar has some blue LED fans to. The AP fans are more SP than airflow. Would be better for rads. You can always get a regular non led fan and buy an LED strip. It would look better imo. Can light up more area that way instead of having a few spots light up.

650watt will work fine. What I meant was get a 750watt unit if you think its not enough. Many people over estimate how much they need and get a lot more than is really needed. 650watt is the minimum for this spec and only get it if is a quality unit. 750watt would just be more future proof if you ever plan to upgrade/expand. Seasonic, Corsair, few EVGAs(barnsley knows more about those), and high end Silverstone/NZXT are all good.

TV rig:
Going to have a really hard time sourcing a m-atx p67/z68 mobo. I can't help there since i don't live in Sweden lol
Haven't seen any 360t reviews so i can't comment on it. Probably better. I didn't like the 250D much.
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Just a short interjection for your consideration from me. Could it make sense to run the 2600k in the big build, overclock it to the edge and it will tear up games or a stock 4790k. It should also be easier to find a mATX/ATX Z77 board rather than an ITX board from back in those days when it was less of a thing.

Do another cheap build for the TV with a devils canyon chip and a decent ITX board. Get yourself an absolutely badass single GPU like a 290x/295x/780Ti/980 for the gaming build and then demote it to the ITX build one day. Something like a 760/770/280x/285 for the little build and your coming in at a sensible price with some nuts graphics capabilities. Personaly I would get an AX760 (non i)(unless CF then 860) and a 350D for the big rig and a RM/HX650i and a 250D for the little guy and get some co-ordination going on.

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XFX R9 290 Dual Dissipation or the Sapphire R9 290 4GB Vapor-X? Well the Vapor-X/Tri-X are the best air cooled 290/290s with the only other better cooler being the MSI 290x Ligthning. The XFX DD and powercolor PCS+ are both very good but are a tad behind the other 2.

It's only an option if you like it. I would rather get the MSI board i mentioned. Prettier and is what you were looking for.

CPU Cooler:
Ya i forgot to mention which one to get lol. Since you live in Sweden you could possibly get the Swifttech 360 AIO. That's up to you and gotta do your own research to make sure everything will fit. Could get a H100i but i would opt for a H105. Better cooling which means you can run slower fans on it = more quiet.

Corsair's blue LED fans are very nice. Cougar has some blue LED fans to. The AP fans are more SP than airflow. Would be better for rads. You can always get a regular non led fan and buy an LED strip. It would look better imo. Can light up more area that way instead of having a few spots light up.

650watt will work fine. What I meant was get a 750watt unit if you think its not enough. Many people over estimate how much they need and get a lot more than is really needed. 650watt is the minimum for this spec and only get it if is a quality unit. 750watt would just be more future proof if you ever plan to upgrade/expand. Seasonic, Corsair, few EVGAs(barnsley knows more about those), and high end Silverstone/NZXT are all good.

TV rig:
Going to have a really hard time sourcing a m-atx p67/z68 mobo. I can't help there since i don't live in Sweden lol
Haven't seen any 360t reviews so i can't comment on it. Probably better. I didn't like the 250D much.

GPU: Very nice! I'm pretty confident about it and will most likely go with the Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X card.

Motherboard: So the MSI Z97M-G43 will be enough for my needs?, no need to get the more expensive ASUS Gryphon Z97 mATX armor edition board then?

CPU Cooler: Ok, well I can most likely hold off both of them, to be honest. So I'll see which one I'll end up getting.

Fans: Cool, I'll check those out!

PSU: Okay, so what about the Silverstone Gold S Series ST65F-G or the ST75F-GS.
The only thing I'm wondering if is the short cables, PP05, fits/works with the ST65F-G or if its just with the "S" in the end names?

Just a short interjection for your consideration from me. Could it make sense to run the 2600k in the big build, overclock it to the edge and it will tear up games or a stock 4790k. It should also be easier to find a mATX/ATX Z77 board rather than an ITX board from back in those days when it was less of a thing.

Do another cheap build for the TV with a devils canyon chip and a decent ITX board. Get yourself an absolutely badass single GPU like a 290x/295x/780Ti/980 for the gaming build and then demote it to the ITX build one day. Something like a 760/770/280x/285 for the little build and your coming in at a sensible price with some nuts graphics capabilities. Personaly I would get an AX760 (non i)(unless CF then 860) and a 350D for the big rig and a RM/HX650i and a 250D for the little guy and get some co-ordination going on.


Sure, thanks for your post!... that is a very good advice indeed, although... I don't have that much of a knowledge when it comes to overclocking and would much more prefer to just leave it as it is.

That could me true, although I did manage to find an mITX board, the ASUS P8Z77-I Deluxe, which also fits my color scheme perfectly.

Regarding the the last part, about devils canyon chip etc, I know absolutely nothing about it to be honest with you.
And I've looked at those cases and found the Fractal Design Arc Mini R2 windowed for the main rig and the Corsair Graphite 380T for the TV rig.
I've demoted to use my current Sapphire 6950 2GB for my TV rig and just get the Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X card, as recommended above, for the main rig.

Although, when it comes to PSUs... I'm completely rusty. All the help I can get here is awesome!.
Although, I'm pretty certain for the TV rig to get an Silverstone Strider Gold S Series, perhaps the ST65F-G one. Although, I have no clue on how much wattage I need.
Any help here? :eek6:

Thanks alot guys for your inputs on this!, really helps me out A LOT! :)
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That's for the short cable kit and all the PSUs that work with it.

As for the motherboard i'm pretty sure its not even available yet(at least for me) and if you want a blue/black theme then that board will look very out place since it is gold colored. I would stick with the MSI board because you won't be OC'ing so no need to spend a huge amount of money on it.
i agree with all of their comments but to save a bit of cash as you said money was tight why go for plats???
go for another type of ram even their vengeance or something alot cheaper and pretty much the same performance.