£150 ish for a motherboard z170


New member
Looking for a motherboard in the £150-£200 range. What motherboards brands around this RRP price point are worth looking at or stand out above the rest.

Are you looking for an ITX, mATX, ATX board? Any particular color scheme?

ASUS Maximus VIII Impact
EVGA Z170 Stinger

ASUS Maximus VIII Gene

ASRock Z170 OC Formula
ASUS Maximus VIII Hero
MSI Z170A Gaming M7

That would be my personal shortlist right now, the ASUS Maximus VIII line is easy to recommend. EVGA are just something a little different which aesthetically do the most for me right now, thats what i'd spend my own money on however i'm not too concerned by insane feature sets, as long as it works, is pretty and has lots of power connectors that's all I really care about.

I would stick with Asus tbh. There's plenty around in that price bracket, so it comes down to aesthetics and what you want spec wise.

Bit slack on the info there, sorry JR.

Be an ATX board. Cant see me ever using 3 or 4 graphics cards. But who knows I may get lucky one weekend and pick the right teams to win for a change ;)

I have already bookmarked and have read a lot on,

VIII hero

Plus a whole host of other boards but struggling to make my mind up. I've done nothing this weekend but read reviews, watch videos and check every shop online for a price. I get a list together then one bad review sends me back to the start :D
As it gives you the opition to buy another at a discount plus like me it will get me up and running till I sort out some more ram,its corsair 2600hz not to be sniffed at for free:)
Thanks for the suggestions.

Ended up in a shop today and they lightened my wallet by £400

Went for the ASUS Maximus VIII Hero in the end.
Ive only been to scan and ocuk once and there is too many bright gadgets on sale and it feels wrong not to buy something lol
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Decent, you live close to OCUK/Scan, love going to the hardware store.


Sadly not. There is little in the way of good computer shops local to me although I was out for the day and ended up visiting novatech in Portsmouth. A bit disappointed with what was there. Its more like argos with everything out the back in the warehouse rather then a proper shop.

I was hoping to get a good look at various items.

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Youll not be dissapointed with that board dude :)

Good to hear.

Just today I teamed it up with some Trident Z 3200`s 2x8gb

Case √
Mobo √
Ram √
360 aio√

The Uk seems a little dry on the i7 front right now with prices going up every where. I should have bought one when they where around the £280 mark but now the shops that do have any uk stock left are jacking the price right up.
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