10 minutes of Star Wars: Battlefront Alpha Gameplay Leaked

I'm a huge Star Wars fan, Got all the games, Films, Lots of books but this game does nothing for me sadly as I'm not a multiplayer death match fan.

Loved the first 2 though with the galactic conquest and campaigns.
I'm a huge Star Wars fan, Got all the games, Films, Lots of books but this game does nothing for me sadly as I'm not a multiplayer death match fan.

Loved the first 2 though with the galactic conquest and campaigns.

Have to say that surprises me, I got the chills playing it. It's very, very Original Trilogy :) It's lovely! The sounds are ultra authentic and properly draw you in
Have to say that surprises me, I got the chills playing it. It's very, very Original Trilogy :) It's lovely! The sounds are ultra authentic and properly draw you in

I played the beta and wasn't impressed at all to be honest bud, I loved the original 2 with the choice of having single player/galactic conquest and not being forced to have it be a multiplayer only game with maybe 1 or 2 little solo missions.

Have fun and enjoy to those that like online only games but it's not my cup of tea.
Don't like the fact it's missing iron sights...

However I like how weapons don't have ammos but stop firing when they get too Hoth.
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Am i the only one who seems to get more and more disappointed the more i see of this game? I mean, it Looks good, and the sounds are spot on, but somehow it seems nothing like a Battlefront game. I wanted it to take me back to playing Battlefront 1 and 2 for hours on end, but when i watch the gameplay for the new one it just doesn't. There's something not right about it that i just can't quite figure out. I'll reserve judgment for when it releases and i can actually play it, but right now it looks like they've stripped away too much of what made the originals great.
Am i the only one who seems to get more and more disappointed the more i see of this game? I mean, it Looks good, and the sounds are spot on, but somehow it seems nothing like a Battlefront game. I wanted it to take me back to playing Battlefront 1 and 2 for hours on end, but when i watch the gameplay for the new one it just doesn't. There's something not right about it that i just can't quite figure out. I'll reserve judgment for when it releases and i can actually play it, but right now it looks like they've stripped away too much of what made the originals great.

Same feelings here dude, I had over 800 hours logged in BF2 as me and a few friends use to play together non stop

But I also played through the galactic conquest with each faction and loved it.

As good as the sounds and graphics are in this game, It's no Battlefront or as Jabba's right hand man said -

"Eezzs no Jedi"
So I'm reading that there's going to be an offline and co-op mode and the beta is going to be open to all.
More games seem to be coming out that are multiplayer only.. this and titanfall and even the new rainbow six game. History shows they sell far less and die quicker. For a multiplayer only game they should charge you less.. far less and then charge very little for map packs or etc otherwise you will alienate the player base and it will die off even quicker. That's one reason why Ubisoft choose to release all maps free for rainbow six post launch. Then again this is star wars, it'll sell a lot no matter what. I wont be buying it. No campaign so no go for me, 6 little coop missions don't cut it